------------------------------------- IBM ILOG OPL Development Studio 6.3 ------------------------------------- Interim Fix 1 This interim fix resolves the following issue : "Smallint and real SQL types are badly retrieved with OLEDB for MS SQL" Installation instructions ------------------------- In the steps below, %OPL_Dir% refers to the OPL installation directory, for example C:\ILOG\OPL63 1) in %OPL_Dir%\bin\x86_win64, rename dboledb.dll into dboledb.dll.original 2) in %OPL_Dir%\oplide\plugins\ilog.odms.ide.opllang.win32.win32.x86_64_6.3.0.b00047_20090624131742, rename dboledb.dll into dboledb.dll.original 3) unzip OPL63_if1_win64.zip in %OPL_Dir%