Fix (APAR): JR32883 Status: Fix Release:,6.1.2,6.1.x Date: 2009-09-30 Abstract: WPS 6.1.X SERVICEDEPLOY COMMAND INCONSISTENTLY GENERATES ERRONEOUS EAR FILES WITH MISSING COMPONENTS Description/symptom of problem: JR32883 resolves the following problem: ERROR DESCRIPTION: PROBLEM SUMMARY: **************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: Websphere Process Server,6.1.2,6.1.x users * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In WPS 6.1.x environment, serviceDeploy command inconsistently generates eroneous ear files with missing Export components and resulting EJB deployment descriptor missing xml information. While serviceDeploy completes succesfully and application deploys with no errors, customers may see errors during runtime. In this specific scenario, customer gets CORBA exceptions during transaction processing. Corba errors when calling the changeVoipExport is as below: 3/10/09 15:28:19:092 CDT? 00000051 Helpers W NMSV0610I: A NamingException is being thrown from a javax.naming.Context implementation. Details follow: Context implementation: method: lookupExtContext name: SDPIT2WPSCELL/clusters/WPSMFCCluster Target name: cell/persistent/sca/CvoipProvisioningRequestModule_MFC/export/Ch angeVoIPExport The above errors are result of missing ChangeVoIPExport from the deployed ear file. * * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: Install prerequisite mandatory JR30556 iFix and JR32883 to fix the issue. * **************************************************************** PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The issue is resolved with JR32883 and its pre-requitsite JR30556 Directions to apply fix: Download and follow Update Installer installation instructions. The Update Installer can be downloaded from the following link: 1) Copy the pak file to the directory maintenance in the UpdateInstaller directory 2) Shutdown WebSphere Process Server. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 3) Run the UpdateInstaller and follow the prompts. 4) Restart WebSphere Process Server. Directions to remove fix: NOTE: FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE REVERSE ORDER IN WHICH THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. Example: If your system has fix1, fix2, and fix3 applied in that order and fix2 is to be removed, fix3 must be removed first, then fix2 may be removed 1) Shutdown WebSphere Process Server. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 2) Follow the Fix instructions that are packaged with the Fix Installer on how to uninstall and reinstall the Fix. 3) Restart WebSphere Process Server. Directions to re-apply fix: 1) Shutdown WebSphere. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 2) Run the UpdateInstaller and follow the instructions. The Update Installer can be downloaded from the following link: 3) Restart WebSphere Process Server. ******************************************************* In the unlikely case that serviceDeploy still fails to create a correct ejb-jar.xml, the number of retry attempts can be increased by adding the following java system property to the serviceDeploy.bat(.sh) launcher script: -DbuildRetryAttempts=20