WebSphere Sensor Events 6.2 | Software Interim Fix | APAR IC63725
About this readme file
This readme provides information about the patch available in this interim fix.
This fix can be installed on WebSphere Sensor Events 6.2.
Included in this interim fix
The following reported program defects are fixed in this update:
- IC63725: Ubisense adapter for RTLS famework.
Microsoft Windows® operating systems
- You must have Administrator access to update the WebSphere Sensor Events server.
- It is assumed that the WebSphere Sensor Events server is already installed.
- It is assumed that Location Aware Services is already installed.
The Ubisense adapter can be run in the WSE/LAS server, or in conjunction with an external adapter.
Server-Side Installation
- Create a folder named maintenance in the WebSphere Sensor Events server C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID directory.
- Unpack the .zip file, IC63725.zip, to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance directory. The .zip file contains these files:
- IC63725\AtlasEventConverter.jar
- IC63725\LasIbmseEventModel.jar
- IC63725\LASLowLevelEventProcessing.jar
- IC63725\LASUbisenseV2Adapter.jar
- IC63725\registerUbisenseAdapter.bat
- IC63725\LASGenericSocketAdapterConfigurationForUbisense.properties
- IC63725\LASGenericSocketAdapterForUbisense.bat
- IC63725\IC63725-readme.html
- IC63725\WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC63725.fxtag
- Create a folder named backup in the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725 directory.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\ext\AtlasEventConverter.jar
directory and copy the AtlasEventConverter.jar file to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725\backup directory.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\ext\LasIbmseEventModel.jar
directory and copy the LasIbmseEventModel.jar file to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725\backup directory.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\ext\LASLowLevelEventProcessing.jar
directory and copy the LASLowLevelEventProcessing.jar file to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725\backup directory.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725 directory and copy the following files to C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\ext:
- AtlasEventConverter.jar
- LasIbmseEventModel.jar
- LASLowLevelEventProcessing.jar
- LASUbisenseV2Adapter.jar
- Register the new adapter by opening a DB2 command line on the machine hosting the WSE/LAS database and running the registerUbisenseAdapter.bat job.
- Stop and restart the WebSphere Application Server.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725 and copy the WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC63725.fxtag file to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\properties\version directory.
External Adapter Installation
- Create a folder named maintenance in the WebSphere Sensor Events server C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID directory.
- Unpack the .zip file, IC63725.zip, to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance directory. The .zip file contains these files:
- IC63725\AtlasEventConverter.jar
- IC63725\LasIbmseEventModel.jar
- IC63725\LASLowLevelEventProcessing.jar
- IC63725\LASUbisenseV2Adapter.jar
- IC63725\registerUbisenseAdapter.bat
- IC63725\LASGenericSocketAdapterConfigurationForUbisense.properties
- IC63725\LASGenericSocketAdapterForUbisense.bat
- IC63725\IC63725-readme.html
- IC63725\WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC63725.fxtag
- Create a folder named backup in the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725 directory.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\premises\client\AdapterFramework\jars\AtlasEventConverter.jar
directory and copy the AtlasEventConverter.jar file to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725\backup directory.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\premises\client\AdapterFramework\jars\LasIbmseEventModel.jar
directory and copy the LasIbmseEventModel.jar file to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725\backup directory.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\premises\client\AdapterFramework\jars\LASLowLevelEventProcessing.jar
directory and copy the LASLowLevelEventProcessing.jar file to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725\backup directory.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725 directory and copy the following files to C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\premises\client\AdapterFramework\jars:
- AtlasEventConverter.jar
- LasIbmseEventModel.jar
- LASLowLevelEventProcessing.jar
- LASUbisenseV2Adapter.jar
- Create a new subdirectory C:\LAS\UbisenseAdapter
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725 directory and copy the following files to C:\LAS\UbisenseAdapter:
- LASGenericSocketAdapterConfigurationForUbisense.properties
- LASGenericSocketAdapterForUbisense.bat
- To run the adapter on another machine, copy the content of the directories C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\premises\client\AdapterFramework\jars and C:\LAS\UbisenseAdapter to that machine. The CLASSPATH settings in LASGenericSocketAdapterForUbisense.bat have to be adjusted for this.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725 and copy the WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC63725.fxtag file to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\properties\version directory.
Adapter Customization
To communicate with a Ubisense system via the newly installed adapter, a new LAS Event Provider has to be defined. This is done via the LAS Console (LAS server IP address:9060/ibm/console), after navigating to Topology ---> Event Provider.
Server-Side Adapter
- Connectivity type must be Socket Gateway or LAS Socket
- Parameter must be 'Port=port no;UseUDP=true;BufferSize=256;BinaryData=true;' where port no is the port number configured in Ubisense (see below)
Input Event Conversion:
- Implementation Name must be 'Ubisense V2'
External Adapter
- Connectivity type must be JMS Gateway
- Parameter must be 'IPAddress=IP address;Port=port no.;' where IP address is the IP address of the machine hosting the adapter and port no. is the port number configured in adapter (see below)
Properties File
External adapters need a properties file containing their parameters.
See LASGenericSocketAdapterConfigurationForUbisense.properties for an example.
In the properties file's Any additional adapter specific parameters section, the following entries have to be made:
- socketAdapterUseUDP = true
- socketAdapterPort = port no. // is the port number configured in Ubisense
- socketBinaryData = true
- socketAdapterBufferSize = 256
- The value of controllerID must match the ID of the corresponding event provider definition (which is found in the portlet)
- The value of commandsListenerPort must match port no. in the event provider definition
If the sample properties file is used, additional settings need to be changed to point to the machine hosting WSE/LAS:
- wsHost (and, possibly, wsPort)
- jmsHost (and, possibly, jmsPort)
Adapter Configuration
By default, the Ubisense Location Engine sends its location events to the Ubisense Location Platform (including Ubisense's visualization tool).
Ubisense Configuration
To run Ubisense with LAS, these events have to be redirected:
- Starting Ubisense application Location Engine Configuration
- Selecting tab Sensor and Cells
- Selecting each LocationEngineCell (e.g. LocationEngineCell0001) under Cell Plan
- Right-clicking on the entry and selecting Properties in the context menu
- Setting the Sink address to the appropriate value which is either the machine hosting WSE/LAS or the machine hosting the adapter. The port number must match that in the event provider definition or the adapter properties file, respectively.
When the server is re-booted, Ubisense switches back to its default settings. So, these steps need to be repeated each time.
Uninstallation procedure for Microsoft Windows operating systems
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725\backup directory and copy the AtlasEventConverter.jar file to all previously updated directories.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725\backup directory and copy the LasIbmseEventModel.jar file to all previously updated directories.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC63725\backup directory and copy the LASLowLevelEventProcessing.jar file to all previously updated directories.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\properties\version directory and delete the WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC63725.fxtag file.
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