WebSphere Sensor Events 6.2 | Software Interim Fix | APAR IC64071
About this readme file
This readme provides information about the patch available in this interim fix.
This fix can be installed on WebSphere Sensor Events 6.2.
Included in this interim fix
The following reported program defects are fixed in this update:
- IC64071: Performance Updates - Duplicate Key Exception thrown in high volume environments, WBE events cannot trigger events on WSE bus, XA Transaction rollback error in system log.
Prerequisites for Microsoft Windows® operating systems
- You must have Administrator access to update the WebSphere Sensor Events server.
- It is assumed that the WebSphere Sensor Events server is already installed.
Prerequisites for Linux® operating systems
- You must have root access to update the WebSphere Sensor Events server.
- It is assumed that the WebSphere Sensor Events server is already installed.
Installation procedure for Microsoft Windows operating systems
- Create a folder named maintenance in the WebSphere Sensor Events server C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID directory.
- Unpack the .zip file, IC64071.zip, to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance directory. The .zip file contains these files:
- IC64071\IBM_WSE_RUC.ear
- IC64071\IBM_WSE_RUC_BackendImpl.ear
- IC64071\IBM_WSE_Server.ear
- IC64071\IBM_WSE_Gateway.ear
- IC64071\IC64071-readme.html
- IC64071\WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC64071.fxtag
- Create a folder named backup in the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC64071 directory.
- Back up the existing IBM_WSE_RUC.ear, IBM_WSE_RUC_BackendImpl.ear, IBM_WSE_Server.ear, and IBM_WSE_Gateway.ear to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC64071\backup directory as described in the technote,
Updating EAR files for WebSphere Sensor Events.
- Navigate to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\maintenance\IC64071 and copy the WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC64071.fxtag file to the C:\Program Files\IBM\RFID\properties\version directory.
Installation procedure for Linux operating systems
- Create a folder named maintenance in the WebSphere Sensor Events server /opt/IBM/RFID directory.
- Unpack the .zip file, IC64071.zip, to the /opt/IBM/RFID/maintenance directory. The .zip file contains these files:
- IC64071/IBM_WSE_RUC.ear
- IC64071/IBM_WSE_RUC_BackendImpl.ear
- IC64071/IBM_WSE_Server.ear
- IC64071/IBM_WSE_Gateway.ear
- IC64071/IC64071-readme.html
- IC64071/WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC64071.fxtag
- Create a folder named backup in the /opt/IBM/RFID/maintenance/IC64071 directory.
- Back up the existing IBM_WSE_RUC.ear, IBM_WSE_RUC_BackendImpl.ear, IBM_WSE_Server.ear, and IBM_WSE_Gateway.ear to the /opt/IBM/RFID/maintenance/IC64071/backup directory as described in the technote,
Updating EAR files for WebSphere Sensor Events.
- Navigate to the /opt/IBM/RFID/maintenance/IC64071 and copy the WebSphere_Sensor_Events.IC64071.fxtag file to the /opt/IBM/RFID/properties/version directory.
Uninstallation procedure for Microsoft Windows operating systems
- Reinstall the backup files as described in the technote,
Updating EAR files for WebSphere Sensor Events.
Uninstallation procedure for Linux operating systems
- Reinstall the backup files as described in the technote,
Updating EAR files for WebSphere Sensor Events.
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