IBM WebSphere Presence Server, Version 7.0 Interim Fix 4 Readme

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About this interim fix

This interim fix applies to the IBM® WebSphere® Presence Server version 7.0 base product. There are no prerequisite fix packs or interim fixes for Presence Server.

Fix and update history

This interim fix includes the following APARs.

Interim Fix 001

·         APAR LI74512 - Includes the following fixes:

1.      Implement batch mode for watcher information database operations. This fix includes batching the database commit activity when handling group subscription and winfo is enabled. Using the batching mode will reduce the database transaction log activity, which will reduce the request latency.

2.      Fix the ConcurrentModificationException when loading the Presence Server application in an RLS deployment.

3.      Fix the problem in which RLS deployment is enabled and the Presence Server is configured to use the ua-profile event package. Presence Server did not issue a 200 OK response OK on group subscription.

4.      Fix the exception that occurred during document aggregation when the contact value was missing or not valid in the published presence document.

Interim Fix 002   

·         APAR LI74775 - Fix the error in partial publish when XPATH query includes ':'.

·         APAR LI74851 - Fix a redundant empty line in body part section of RLMI document when there is no publish for this member.

Interim Fix 003   

·         APAR LI75003 - Sending NOTIFY with tuple status 'closed' instead of empty data.

Note that a new flag is added to SystemConfiguration.xml to enable this feature. By default, the Presence Server application keeps sending empty notifications unless <emptyNotification enable="false"/> is configured.

Interim Fix 004   

·         APAR LI75041 - Fix a problem with rejection of non-initial subscriptions to eventlist if the subscription does not include Accept headers.

Software compatibility

The supported software products and version numbers for WebSphere Presence Server are documented in the information center. This interim fix runs with the same software except as noted below.

·         Operating Systems: Same as Presence Server version 7.0

·         Application Server: This interim fix has been tested on WebSphere Application Server Fix Packs and

·         Java™: Same as Presence Server version 7.0

·         Databases: Same as Presence Server version 7.0 

Installation requirements

Hardware requirements

Hardware requirements for Presence Server are included in the information center and have not changed since version 7.0. Refer to the following information for details:

Software requirements

Software requirements for Presence Server are included in the information center. Refer to the following information for details:

Required fixes for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment (WAS)

Before installing this interim fix, ensure that the following fixes have been installed for the WAS version that you are using.

Required iFixes when installing the interim fix on systems running WAS version


File Name



Required iFixes when installing the interim fix on systems running WAS version


File Name







Installation instructions

Before you begin, ensure that:

·         IBM WebSphere Presence Server version 7.0 has been installed.

·         IBM WebSphere WebSphere Application Server (WAS) version or has been installed, and that appropriate fixes have been installed.

·         WAS Update Installer 6.1 or 7.0 is already installed on the application server.

·         The WebSphere software for Telecom Update Installer plug-in is already installed on the WAS Update Installer.
Note: If, after applying the WebSphere software for Telecom Update Installer plug-in, you upgraded or installed a new version of the WAS Update Installer (UPDI), you must run a reset script before you can apply this interim fix. You can download the reset script from the IBM Support download site. For details, see the WebSphere software for Telecom Update Installer page.

·         You are logged in to the operating system as the actual root user in a UNIX® environment.  

To apply the interim fix, complete the following steps:

1.      If you are updating a cluster, you must perform this step on every node in the cluster.  Download the Presence Server update installer package into the was_root/updateInstaller/maintenance directory.

2.      Start the update installer as described by WebSphere and select the Presence Server interim fix to be installed. The update installer will update the was_root/installableApps/presence directory with the IBMWebSpherePresenceServer.ear file.

3.      Start WebSphere Application Server where Presence Server is installed.

4.      Open the Integrated Solutions Console and log in.

5.      Click Applications->Application Types->WebSphereEnterprise Applications.
Note: If you are using WebSphere Application Server version, reach this window by clicking Applications->Enterprise Applications.

6.      Select the checkbox for the Presence Server application and click Update.

7.      Click Browse to find the IBMWebSpherePresenceServer.ear.

8.      Select the file was_root/installableApps/presence/IBMWebSpherePresenceServer.ear.

9.      Click Next on the following screens, and click Finish in the summary screen.

10.  Save the changes.

Updates, limitations, and known problems

Updates, limitations, and known problems about Presence Server are documented in technotes on the IBM Software Support Web site:

As limitations and problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Software Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems that you experience. Each of the following links launches a customized query of the live Support knowledge base. To create your own query, go to the Advanced search page.


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