Readme for IBM CICS Explorer version

ProductCICS Explorer
Build ID201004271524
APARs IncludedIZ74916
Date Published28 Apr 2010


Readme documentation for IBM CICS Explorer version including installation instructions; prerequisites and co-requisites; and a list of fixes included.

Table of Contents

Additional Information

Additional information can be found included with the CICS Explorer. From within the CICS Explorer, click Help -> Help Contents to display the help for CICS Explorer.

Additional information on the CICS Explorer can also be found online at: CICS Explorer homepage. There are several links on there to extra information about the CICS Explorer including a link to video tutorials and podcasts on the CICS Explorer and CICS TS: System z Videos/Podcasts

See also the forums for the CICS Explorer and CICS Tools plug-ins for the CICS Explorer where information is posted, and questions can be posted.

About this Update

This update contains the following APAR fixes: IZ74916
More information on these APARs is displayed below:

APAR IZ74916
Problem Description

Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.6

Problem Summary

This APAR tracks the release of CICS Explorer version

This update provides the following new functionality:

* You can view CorbaServer resources in the new CorbaServers view, and when you are connected to a CICS TS version 4.1 or later region, you can now manage CorbaServer resources from this view.
* You can now use the new HTTP Event Processing adapter in the Event Processing editor. More information on this can be found in the "Specifying EP adapter and dispatcher information" section in the CICS Explorer Help.

In order to install Bundles containing the new HTTP Event Processing adapter, you will need to install APAR PK94205 into your CICS TS 4.1 system. This APAR will be available shortly. Without this APAR installed, the CICS Explorer can still create Event Binding files that contain the new HTTP Event Processing adapter, however these won't be able to be installed into your CICS TS 4.1 system until APAR PK94205 has been applied. Creating Event Binding definitions that don't contain the new HTTP Event Processing adapter is unaffected.

For more information on the new updates search for "What's new in version" section in the CICS Explorer Help.

The following defects have also been fixed as part of this update:

1279: RDz connection definition window incorrectly sizes window beyond screen area
6181: Close of Help on expanded Create transaction Def window after moving causes failure
6184: Duplicate request to CICSCSDGroupInList, only one needed
6287: Error messages for the filtering tab do not show immediately on the UI
6697: New Wizard error message is not put into the title dialog box and the finish button is not disabled
7012: SIGNON should prompt after failed authorization
7036: CNX505I does not uniquely identify the resource it relates to
7733: NullPointerException when opening the Install Dialog, when the connection is no longer available
8459: FTP client not closing its connection properly.
8526: URIMAPs (and DOCTEMPLATEs)  filtered by Group and Name are non-editable
9400: Use the locale and platform-defined content assist commands instead of default of ctrl+space
9405: Get: CSDGROUP has encountered a problem when using filters
9445: Explorer does not honour the Warning Count as specified for a User Group rather than the default setting
10092: Document Template Definition custom editor field name is incorrect
10522: Truncated error message for maxlength in URI Map wizard
10599: Event binding attributes missing from EVNTBIND
10616: Many N_A enum values should not be settable with the editors
10627: Explorer->Signoff caches Userid and Password
10911: Link on Explorer help for CNX0222W for "Setting record warning counts" uses the wrong title and goes to the wrong place
11043: MAXWIN condition on Data Interface when MASes are slow
11095: Internal error occurred during "Get: CSDGROUP" java.lang.NullPointerException
11450: Tranlated help files missing <include> testStaticallyHelpFilesThatInclude test failure
12622: Documentation error: Application Owning Region labeled as 'TOR' rather than 'AOR'
12785: FTP Connections plug-in not loaded in preferences window

More InformationMore information on APAR IZ74916 can be found here


The following prerequisites are required to be installed before installing this update.

CICS TS 4.1PK94205

APAR PK94205 (when available) is required to be installed on CICS TS 4.1 in order to install a bundle using the new HTTP Event Processing adapter.

Bundles can be created in the CICS Explorer using the new HTTP Event Processing adapter without PK94205 being first applied on the target system, however that bundle won't be able to be installed into the CICS TS 4.1 region until PK94205 has been applied.



Installation Instructions

To install updates for the CICS Explorer, there are two options:

  1. Update the CICS Explorer from within the CICS Explorer, using the built in update-site.
  2. Or alternatively download a zipped version of the update-site and install it locally.
    (Known as an archive update-site).

An advantage of using the IBM-hosted update-site is that it is kept up-to-date with the latest version. Users can search for any available updates to the CICS Explorer periodically from within the CICS Explorer. They can choose if and when to install them at their convenience. Alternatively the user can choose to get the CICS Explorer to automatically search for updates and inform the user when they become available.

Otherwise updates can be downloaded on demand from Fix Central, but users will need to check the Fix Central website for any further updates available, and download them as appropriate. Fix Central:

Installation via the Update-Site

To update the CICS Explorer using the IBM-hosted update-site follow the instructions below:

  1. Launch the CICS Explorer
  2. Click Help on the CICS Explorer menu bar and click Software Updates in the drop-down menu. The Software Updates and Add-ons window is displayed.
  3. Click the Available Software tab.
  4. A link to the CICS Explorer update-site is included with the product by default, but to check if the update-site is present:
  5. If the update site is present as it should be, the following step can be skipped:
  6. To update the CICS Explorer select the Installed Software tab, and then click Update...
  7. If an update is available, an Update dialog box will appear to confirm the installation of the update. Click Finish.
  8. The CICS Explorer is then updated, and you'll be asked to restart to apply the changes. Click Yes to restart the CICS Explorer, once it has restarted it will now be up-to-date.

Installation via Fix Central

To update the CICS Performance Analyzer plug-in from Fix Central follow the instructions below:

  1. Launch the CICS Explorer
  2. Click Help on the CICS Explorer menu bar and click Software Updates in the drop-down menu. The Software Updates and Add-ons window is displayed.
  3. Click the Available Software tab.
  4. Click the Add Site button and in the Add Site dialog click the Archive button. The Repository archive dialog box is displayed.
  5. Locate and select the CICS Explorer zipped update-site file you downloaded previously, and click Open.
  6. Click OK in the Add Site dialog box. The dialog box closes and the tool is displayed in the Software Updates and Add-ons dialog box.
  7. To update the CICS Explorer select the Installed Software tab, and then click Update...
  8. If the CICS Explorer's version is earlier than the version of the CICS Explorer in the zip being downloaded, an Update dialog box will appear to confirm the installation of the update. Click Finish.
  9. The CICS Explorer is then updated, and you'll be asked to restart to apply the changes. Click Yes to restart the CICS Explorer, once it has restarted it will now be up-to-date.

Known Issues of this update

Please read the known issues with this update below to make sure this update is appropriate in your environment.

Installing Remote Resources

You can not install remote resources using the CICS Explorer.

CICS Explorer Help

Setting the search scope to the CICS TS 4.1 information center does not work: an IO exception is displayed during the search. This problem is being investigated. Setting the search scope to earlier versions of the information center is not affected.

Column Sorting

The column sorting function is not enabled in the CICS Explorer.

Secured Eclipse Update-Sites

The Eclipse software update function does not fully support Eclipse Update-Sites secured with HTTP Basic Authentication. If you are connecting to an Eclipse update site that prompts for a username and password, you should not select the option to save your password when prompted, because CICS Explorer does not provide a method for changing your password once set. If the password is not saved, then it must be entered each time the CICS Explorer connects to the update site. If a password is saved and subsequently needs changing, manual editing of configuration files would be required.

Problems on Ubuntu 9.10 and Fedora 12

A problem has been identified when running the CICS Explorer on the Linux platforms Ubuntu 9.10 and Fedora 12. These platforms are NOT supported by the IBM CICS Explorer, however there is a workaround that you can use if you want to use these unsupported platforms.

The problem relates to issues between the GTK and Mozilla releases and the SWT implementation in Eclipse 3.4.2 on which the CICS Explorer is currently based. The issue you might experience is that buttons in the CICS Explorer might not respond to mouse clicks, but will work from the keyboard.

The workaround is to launch the cicsexplorer executable from the shell script below:

./cicsexplorer $*

As previously stated, the Linux platforms Ubuntu 9.10 and Fedora 12 are unsupported.

Known Limitations of this update


Change History

Below describes the changes made to the CICS Explorer since the beginning of the release. APAR(s): IZ74916
IZ74916Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.6
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ70464
IZ70464Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.5
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ66786
IZ66786Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.4
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ65446
IZ65446Deleting a CICS TS Queue in the CICS Explorer deletes all TS Queues
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ62254
IZ62254Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.2
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ62213
IZ62213Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.1
 More Information: Release

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This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.

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Document Change History

28 Apr 2010Initial version
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