IBM corporation Readme file for WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 4a. Platforms: AIX, Windows Maintenance Delivery Vehicle type: 6.2.0-WS-WPG-FP4a_Advanced.pak 6.2.0-WS-WPG-FP4a_Enterprise.pak These installables can be used on the different versions of AIX and Windows platforms that are supported by WebSphere Partner Gateway v6.2. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ================================================== WebSphere Partner Gateway Readme Readme documentation for version 6.2 FixPack 4a IBM® WebSphere Partner Gateway, including installation-related instructions, prerequisites,and known issues. This fixpack includes and supersedes all previous fixpacks for the same version and edition of WPG. This fixpack can be applied only on AIX and Windows platform. These notes describe the changes made in FixPack of IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway,Enterprise and Advanced Editions. IMPORTANT: 6.2 FixPack 4a can be installed and uninstalled ONLY by using IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere® software. For details on how to configure Update Installer for WPG, refer to IBM®WebSphere® Partner Gateway Update Installer that is available at: ================================================== Prerequisites 1. To apply 6.2 FixPack 4a on WebSphere Partner Gateway that is installed on an existing cell, refer to the technote at 2. Setup the UPDI installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway. 3. For customers who have already setup the Update Installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway, apply the pre-requisite APAR JR36150 before upgrading to 6.2 Fixpack 4a. The can be downloaded along with the 6.2 FP4a pak file. ================================================== Operating System, Server and Database support The WebSphere Partner Gateway Version FixPack 4a extends support for the following Operating System, Server and Database: . Platforms: AIX 5.3, AIX 6.1 ,Windows 2003 . Database: DB2 9.1 Fp7, DB2 9.5 Fp5 . WAS:WAS ND 6.1 Fp29 ================================================== Known problems and workarounds The following problems exist in this FixPack: 1. The Partner Migration export on DB2 does not Import on Oracle for EDI maps. This issue is found while importing a map using the console on Oracle, and then importing some exported data from a DB2 system that has the same map ID. This corrupts the existing map on Oracle and does not allow the same map to get imported in WebSphere Partner Gateway (using Import Utility and console). 2. When using client authentication for FTPS mode, the document processing fails even when a properly configured valid secondary certificate exists for an expired primary certificate. The transition of secondary to primary certificate happens at the configuration of WebSphere Partner Gateway. The workaround solution is to perform a restart of WebSphere Partner Gateway Document Manager server. 3. When Secondary to primary transition of a certificate happens, the events "BCG240027- Certificate Is Expired" and "BCG108011-Secondary Certificate changed to Primary Certificate" may not get logged. 4. When SSL client authentication is configured for FTP scripting destination with FTPS mode enabled and a revoked CA certificate uploaded at the hub operator profile, the events "BCG240024 -CertPath validation failed" and "BCG240033 - No valid SSL client certificate found" may not get logged. 5. In this Fix pack, when you replace a PEM with a JKS for SFTP Server Authentication and restart the SFTP server, an error may be logged in the SFTP log. The workaround for this is to restart the SFTP Server again. 6. After upgrading to this fix pack, it is recommended to set the value of excludedContentTypesForCanonicalization property to a value that includes the required content types. Navigate to System Administration > Common Properties tab of WebSphere Partner Gateway Admin console to edit the value of the property. Workarounds for resolving problems in this release: 1. When you attempt to install WebSphere Partner Gateway v6.2 GA DBLoader directly on Oracle, the "ORA-22996: NEXT extent size is smaller than LOB chunksize" error gets generated. This problem is resolved from WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 3 onwards, so ignore this message. If you intend to use Oracle with WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 GA installation, apply any WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 3 or above immediately after the installation of WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 GA. 2. When you attempt to install WebSphere Partner Gateway v6.2 GA DBLoader directly on DB2 9.5 FP5, the installation may fail at the Base. This problem is resolved in WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 3, so ignore this message. If you intend to use DB2 9.5 FP5 with WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 GA installation, apply any WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 3 or above immediately after the installation of WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 GA. 3. Events, related to certificate expiry, and alerts were not getting triggered. From 6.2 Fixpack 2 onwards, such events and alerts will get triggered. Users who want to use this fix need to follow the additional steps provided in this link after applying the Fixpack - 4. Document delivery to a SFTP Destination created on WPG 6.2 FP4a that is connected to the Integrated SFTP Server running fails with the following error: "Caused by: 2: No such file: ". The workaround is to have a dummy folder in the output directory of the SFTP Destination. For more information refer to 5. When you install the WPG 6.2 Integrated FTP Server on a machine that is different from that of WPG servers, a bin folder is created in the bcghub-distrib folder. Due to this, any fix pack installation on top of this fails. This is observed in fully distributed mode of WPG 6.2. To resolve this, delete the bin folder created under bcghub-distrib and install the fix pack. This is technoted at 6. When you install WPG 6.2 FixPack 4a, the value of excludedContentTypesForCanonicalization property gets reset to the default WPG value. This value needs to be edited so as to append any additional content-types required for successful signature verification on WPG inbound document flows. For more information, refer to ==================================================== Installing WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 4a IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Version 6.2 FixPack 4a can be installed, ONLY by using IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere Software ( and above). Installing the FixPack involves the following steps: Step A - Setting up the IBM Update Installer environment. Step B - Performing the backup of WebSphere Partner Gateway application Database. Step C - Applying needed pre-requisites Subsequently, you can perform Step D or Step E based on whether you need to manually upgrade the DB or upgrade it automatically through UPDI. Step D - Applying the FixPack - Upgrade WPG Application database automatically through UPDI Step E - Applying the FixPack - Manually upgrade WPG Application database. Step A - Setting up the IBM Update Installer environment 1. Download the IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere Software from 2. Follow the instructions at to download and apply the WebSphere Partner Gateway specific Update Installer changes. Ensure that the necessary updates to the responsefile bcgupdate_.txt present under /responsefiles/, /responsefiles/ are performed. 3. Apply pre-requisite APAR JR36150 before upgrading to 6.2 Fixpack 4a. This APAR updates the related UPDI jar files, and further upgrades them to the latest level. For customers who have already setup UPDI as per step 1 and 2 only need to follow step 3. Now, IBM Update Installer is ready to install WebSphere Partner Gateway fixes and FixPacks in your environment. Step B - Performing the backup of existing database Performing backup of the existing WebSphere Partner Gateway Application database is a mandatory step, and has to be retained and used, as necessary, during uninstallation of WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 4a. The backup step is required as uninstallation of the FixPack using IBM Update Installer does not restore the database to its previous version of WebSphere Partner Gateway. The database restoration step is to be performed manually, and it is mandatory whenever WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 4a is uninstalled. For more information on data back up and restore, see "Migrating the database" of WebSphere Partner Gateway Installation Guide. Step C - Applying the needed pre-requisites Refer to the section at the begin of this page to know about the Prerequisites that need to be applied. Step D - Applying the FixPack for upgrading WPG Application database automatically through UPDI 1. While applying the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway distributed mode installations (Simple distributed and Fully Distributed), the 6.2 FixPack 4a pak file needs to be applied using update installer on all machines that host the following WebSphere Partner Gateway components in the specified order: a. WebSphere Partner Gateway Deployment Manager b. WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub c. WebSphere Partner Gateway Application Database d. WebSphere Partner Gateway Mas Database Perform the following steps on the nodes where Receiver hub, Console hub,and DocMgr hub (WebSphere Partner Gateway components) are installed. 2. Make sure that value for -Wupdate.RunSQLFiles is set to "Yes" in the Update Installer response parameter file. 3. In case of applying the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway simple mode installation, provide the product location corresponding to the WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub location. 4. Following are the prerequisites for 6.2 FixPack 4a installation: a. While applying the FixPack on simple mode deployment, make sure that the server is up and running. b. Make sure that the Deployment Manager (DMGR) and all node agents are up and running for simple distributed and fully distributed deployments. c. Stop all WebSphere Partner Gateway clusters in case of simple distributed and fully distributed deployment before applying FixPack. 5. Execute the script update.bat for Windows and for non-Windows to launch Update Installer. 6. In the Product Selection window, enter the DMGR installed location as the value for Directory Path. 7. In the Maintenance Operation Selection window, select Install maintenance package. 8. In the Maintenance Package Directory Selection window, provide the location of the 6.2 FixPack 4a pak file. 9. In the Available Maintenance Package to Install window, ensure that the check box for FixPack pak file is selected. Note that when using the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway, select only one pak file for installation. Else it may give unexpected results. Installation Summary window will list the details about the pak file to be installed on the selected location. After completion of the installation, an appropriate message, that is, "Success" or "Failed" will be displayed. Verify the logs present under /logs/update/<6.2 FP4a pak name>.install for more information on the FixPack installation. 10. Perform steps 1 to 9 on all machines where Receiver, Console, and DocMgr (WebSphere Partner Gateway components) are installed. Step E - Applying the FixPack to manually upgrade WPG Application database. Note: The FixPack.pak file should be transferred in Binary mode on Non-Windows systems. In case of performing ASCII transfers or using Binary transfers with some FTP clients, the ^M characters may get introduced in the transferred contents of the .pak file. It is mandatory to remove these ^M characters before performing the manual steps. 1. While applying the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway distributed mode installations (Simple distributed and Fully Distributed),the 6.2 FixPack 4a pak file needs to be applied using update installer on all machines that host the following WebSphere Partner Gateway components in the specified order: a. WebSphere Partner Gateway Deployment Manager b. WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub c. WebSphere Partner Gateway Application Database d. WebSphere Partner Gateway Mas Database Perform the following steps on the nodes where Receiver hub, Console hub, and DocMgr hub (WebSphere Partner Gateway components) are installed. 2. Make sure that value for -Wupdate.RunSQLFiles is set to "No" in the Update Installer response parameter file. 3. While applying the Fixpack on WebSphere Partner Gateway simple mode installation using update installer, provide the product location corrsponding to the WebSphere Partner Gateway hub location. 4. Following are the prerequisites for 6.2 FixPack 4a installation. a. While applying the FixPack on simple mode deployment, make sure that the server is up and running. b. Make sure that the Deployment Manager (DMGR) and all node agents are up and running for simple distributed and fully distributed deployments. c. Stop all WebSphere Partner Gateway clusters in case of simple distributed and fully distributed deployment before applying FixPack. 5. Execute the script update.bat for Windows and for non-Windows to launch Update Installer. 6. In the Product Selection window, enter the DMGR installed location as the value for Directory Path. 7. In the Maintenance Operation Selection window, select Install maintenance package. 8. In the Maintenance Package Directory Selection window, provide the location of the 6.2 FixPack 4a pak file. 9. In the Available Maintenance Package to Install window, ensure that the check box for FixPack pak file is selected. Note that when using the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway, select only one pak file for installation; otherwise it may give unexpected results. Installation Summary window will list the details about the pak file to be installed on the selected location. After completion of installation, an appropriate message, that is, Success or Failed will be displayed. Verify the logs present under /logs/update/<6.2 FP4a pak name>.install for more information on the FixPack installation. 10. Perform steps 1 to 9 on all machines where Receiver, Console, and DocMgr (WebSphere Partner Gateway components) are installed. 11. Stop all WPG servers before performing the steps to upgrade the database. 12. To manually upgrade the DB, perform the following steps: Run the following commands On DB2 a. UNIX: su - db2inst1 WINDOWS: Start the DB2CLP and make sure you are logged in as the user who owns the DB2 database. b. Start the database if it is not started. Steps required to upgrade WPG APPLICATION DATABASE. c. db2 connect to bcgapps d. For Advanced, execute cd /WPGUpdate/6.2.0-WS-WPG-FP4a_Advanced/database/db2 For Enterprise, execute cd /WPGUpdate/6.2.0-WS-WPG-FP4a_Enterprise/database/db2 e. Run the applicable scripts from below. Determine the level you are starting from. (That is from V6.2.0.0, run all four scripts, from V6.2.0.1, only the last three, from V6.2.0.2, only the last two scripts and so on.) db2 -td! -f -z /home/db2inst1/BCGUpgrade_620_620FP1.log db2 -td! -f -z /home/db2inst1/BCGUpgrade_620FP1_620FP2.log db2 -td! -f -z /home/db2inst1/BCGUpgrade_620FP2_620FP3.log db2 -td! -f -z /home/db2inst1/BCGUpgrade_620FP3_620FP4.log f. Then run the Set_Grants script using this command - db2 -td! -f /scripts/DB2/Set_Grants.sql -z /home/db2inst1/Set_Grants.log Steps required to upgrade WPG MAS DATABASE (Not applicable for Simple Mode installation). Run the next set of commands only if you are upgrading from to For upgrading from to, the next few steps are not required. g. Use the command to disconnect from application database. db2 connect reset h. Log on to the WPG mas database db2 connect to For example, db2 connect to bcgmas i. Execute this command to fetch the configuration parameter of mas database - db2 get db cfg for >> "/mascfg.log" For example, db2 get db cfg for bcgmas >> /home/db2inst1/mascfg.log" j. Open file mascfg.log and search for "LOGFILSIZ" parameter. If the value for this is equal to or more than 10000, then do not execute the next step. k. Execute this command - db2 "UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION FOR < WPG mas database > USING logfilsiz 10000 immediate" On Oracle: Run the following commands a. UNIX: su - oracle WINDOWS: Make sure you are logged in as the owner of Oracle database. b. For Advanced, execute cd /WPGUpdate/6.2.0-WS-WPG-FP4a_Advanced/database/oracle For Enterprise, execute cd /WPGUpdate/6.2.0-WS-WPG-FP4a_Enterprise/database/oracle c. Run the applicable scripts from below. Determine the level you are starting from. (That is from V6.2.0.0, run all four scripts, from V6.2.0.1, only the last three, from V6.2.0.2, only the last two scripts and so on)The spool commands need to be run irrespective of the Fixpack you are upgrading from. spool /home/oracle/FPUpgrade.log sqlplus -L bcgapps/ @ sqlplus -L bcgapps/ @ sqlplus -L bcgapps/ @ sqlplus -L bcgapps/ @ spool off d. Then run the Grants_Syns script using the command given below: sqlplus -L bcgapps/ @/bcgdbloader/scripts/Oracle/Grants_Syns.sql ===================================================== Uninstalling WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 4a IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Version 6.2 FixPack 4a can be uninstalled using IBM®Update Installer for WebSphere Software ( and above). Note: Uninstallation of the FixPack using Update Installer does not restore the database to its previous version of WebSphere Partner Gateway. The database restoration step is to be performed manually, and is mandatory whenever WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 4a is uninstalled. Uninstalling the FixPack involves the following steps: Step A - Uninstalling the FixPack using IBM Update Installer Step B - Restoring the WebSphere Partner Gateway application Database Step A - Uninstalling the FixPack Note: While uninstalling the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway distributed mode installations (Simple distributed and Fully Distributed), the FixPack .pak file has to be uninstalled using IBM Update Installer on all machines that host the following WebSphere Partner Gateway components in the specified order: a. WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub b. WebSphere Partner Gateway Deployment Manager c. WebSphere Partner Gateway Application Database d. WebSphere Partner Gateway Mas Database In case of uninstalling the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway simple mode installation, the FixPack.pak file has to be uninstalled using IBM Update Installer. Provide the product location as corresponding to the location of WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub. Following are the prerequisites for 6.2 FixPack 4a uninstallation: 1. Stop the WebSphere Partner Gateway servers. 2. Go to the IBM® Update Installer installed location and launch the same by executing the script update.bat for Windows and for non-Windows. 3. Provide the Directory Path in the Product Selection window as the DMGR installed location. 4.In the Maintenance Operation Selection window, select Uninstall maintenance package. 5.Select the maintenance package to uninstall ( here it is 6.2 FixPack 4a pak file). Note that while using the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway, only one pak file should be selected for uninstallation; otherwise it may give unexpected results. 6.Uninstallation Summary window will list the details about the pak file to be uninstalled along with its location. 7.After this the uninstallation will start and once it is complete, the appropriate message, that is, "Success" or "Failed" will be displayed. Verify the logs <.updateconfig.log> present under /logs/update/<6.2 FixPack 4a pak name>.uninstall for more information on the FixPack uninstallation. Note: These steps should be performed in all machines where WebSphere Partner Gateway components are installed. Step B - Restoring the Application Database Once the uninstallation is complete, restore the database using the backup taken before applying the FixPack. ===================================================== List of Fixes in WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 4a ===================================================== WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.2 FixPack 4a has extended support for SFTP integrated server (FTP over SSH). It is an enhancement to the existing integrated FTP server. For more information on SFTP Server Usage, refer to WPG 6.2 Fixpack4a will update the existing FTP server installation. The integrated SFTP server will not be installed if an integrated FTP server installation does not exist already. ===================================================== Notices and trademarks: Terms of use: