IBM corporation Readme file for IBM® WebSphere® Partner Gateway, Advanced Edition, V6.1.1 FixPack 2. Platforms: AIX, Linux, PowerLinux, Solaris, Windows Maintenance Delivery Vehicle type: 6.1.1-WS-WPG-FP2_Advanced.pak 6.1.1-WS-WPG-FP2_Enterprise.pak These installables can be used across all WebSphere Partner Gateway supported platforms. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ================================================== IBM® WebSphere® Partner Gateway, Advanced Edition, V6.1.1 FixPack 2. This document is the readme for version 6.1.1 FixPack 2 IBM® WebSphere Partner Gateway, including installation-related instructions, prerequisites, and known issues. These notes describe the changes made in the Fixpack for of IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise and Advanced Edition. This fixpack includes and supersedes all previous fixpacks for the same version and edition of WebSphere Partner Gateway. IMPORTANT: 6.1.1 FixPack 2 can be installed and uninstalled ONLY by using IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere® software. WebSphere Partner Gateway version 6.1.1 Fixpack 2 can be installed with Administrative security enabled for only "Standalone LDAP registry" realm definition. For details on how to configure Update Installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway, refer to IBM®WebSphere® Partner Gateway Update Installer that is available at: ================================================== Operating System, Server and Database support The WebSphere Partner Gateway Version 6.1.1 FixPack 2 extends support for the following Operating System, Server and Database other than those available in the base release: . WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V6.1.0.29. . IBM DB2 UDB V8.1 FixPack 18. . IBM DB2 UDB V9.1 FixPack 9. . IBM DB2 UDB V9.5 FixPack 5. . IBM WebSphere MQ . Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.5 (32-bit and 64-bit). ================================================== Known problems and workarounds The following problems exist in this FixPack: Earlier, the CF_GuidelineMap table got corrupted during migration from WBIC 4.2.2.x/WPG 6.x.0.x to WPG 6.1.1. This issue occurred only on DB2. To resolve the issue while migrating from WBIC 4.2.2.x/WPG 6.x.0.x to WPG 6.1.1 on DB2 database, see Workarounds for resolving problems in this release: 1. When you attempt to install WebSphere Partner Gateway v6.1.1 GA DBLoader directly on DB2 9.5 FP5, the installation may fail on Base. This problem is resolved with WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FixPack 2. Users intending to use DB2 9.5 FP5 with WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 GA installation, would need to ignore the above error message, and apply WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FixPack 2 immediately after installation of WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 GA. 2. When you attempt to install WebSphere Partner Gateway v6.1.1 GA DBLoader directly on DB2 9.1 FP9, the installation may fail on Base. This problem is resolved with WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FixPack 2. Users intending to use DB2 9.1 FP9 with WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 GA installation, would need to ignore the above error message, and apply WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FixPack 2 immediately after installation of WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 GA. ==================================================== Installing WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FixPack 2 IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Version 6.1.1 FixPack 2 can be installed, ONLY by using IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere Software ( and above). Installing the FixPack involves the following steps: Step A - Setting up the IBM Update Installer environment. Step B - Performing the backup of WebSphere Partner Gateway application Database. Subsequently, you can perform Step C or Step D based on whether you need to manually upgrade the DB or upgrade it automatically through UPDI. Step C - Applying the FixPack to upgrade WebSphere Partner Gateway Application database automatically through UPDI. Step D - Applying the FixPack to manually upgrade WebSphere Partner Gateway Application database. Step A - Setting up the IBM Update Installer environment 1. Download the IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere Software from 2. Follow the instructions at to download and apply the WebSphere Partner Gateway specific Update Installer changes. Ensure that the necessary updates to the responsefile bcgupdate_.txt present under /responsefiles/, /responsefiles/ are performed. Step B - Performing the backup of existing database Performing backup of the existing WebSphere Partner Gateway Application database is a mandatory step, and has to be retained and used, as necessary, during uninstallation of WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FixPack 2. The backup step is required as uninstallation of the FixPack using IBM Update Installer does not restore the database to its previous version of WebSphere Partner Gateway. The database restoration step is to be performed manually, and it is mandatory whenever WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FixPack 2 is uninstalled. For more information on data back up and restore, see "Migrating the database" topic of WebSphere Partner Gateway Installation Guide. Step C - Applying the FixPack for upgrading WebSphere Partner Gateway application database automatically through UPDI. Note:- Customers who are on DB2 8.1/8.2, please refer to the instructions to upgrade to WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FP2 on DB2 8.1/8.2 to upgrade the DB available in the technote, which is available at For Oracle Users: When upgrading to 611 FP2, ensure that the MASDB has the tables created, if not start the bcgmas server to create them. Stop the bcgmas server before proceeding with the upgrade. 1. While applying the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway distributed mode installations (Simple distributed and Fully Distributed), the 6.1.1 FixPack 2 pak file needs to be applied using update installer on all machines that host the following WebSphere Partner Gateway components in the specified order: a. WebSphere Partner Gateway Deployment Manager. b. WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub. c. WebSphere Partner Gateway Application Database. Perform the following steps on the nodes where Receiver hub, Console hub, and DocMgr hub (WebSphere Partner Gateway components) are installed. 2. Make sure that value for -Wupdate.RunSQLFiles is set to "Yes" in the Update Installer response parameter file. 3. In case of applying the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway simple mode installation, provide the product location corresponding to the WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub location to apply the 6.1.1 FixPack 2 file using update installer. 4. Following are the prerequisites for 6.1.1 FixPack 2 installation: a. While applying the FixPack on simple mode deployment, make sure that the server is up and running. b. Make sure that the Deployment Manager (DMGR) and all node agents are up and running for simple distributed and fully distributed deployments. c. Stop all WebSphere Partner Gateway clusters in case of simple distributed and fully distributed deployment before applying FixPack. 5. Execute the script update.bat for Windows and for non-Windows to launch Update Installer. 6. In the Product Selection window, enter the DMGR installed location as the value for directory path. 7. In the Maintenance Operation Selection window, select install maintenance package. 8. In the Maintenance Package Directory Selection window, provide the location of the 6.1.1 FixPack 2 pak file. 9. In the Available Maintenance Package, ensure that the check box for FixPack pak file is selected. Note that when using the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway, select only one pak file for installation else it may give unexpected results.Installation Summary window will list the details about the pak file to be installed on the selected location. After completion of the installation, an appropriate message, that is, "Success" or "Failed" will be displayed. Verify the logs present under /logs/update/<6.1.1 FixPack 2 pak name>.install for more information on the FixPack installation. 10. Perform steps 1 to 9 on all machines where WebSphere Partner Gateway Application database, Receiver, Console, and DocMgr (WebSphere Partner Gateway components) are installed. Step D - Applying the FixPack to manually upgrade WebSphere Partner Gateway Application database. Note:- Customers who are on DB2 8.1/8.2, please refer to the instructions to upgrade to WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FP2 on DB2 8.1/8.2 to upgrade the DB available in the technote - For Oracle Users: When upgrading to 611 FP2, ensure that the MASDB has the tables created, if not start the bcgmas server to create them. Stop the bcgmas server before proceeding with the upgrade. Note: The 6.1.1-WS-WPG-FP2_Advanced.pak/6.1.1-WS-WPG-FP2_Enterprise.pak file should be transferred in Binary mode on Non-Windows systems. In case of performing ASCII transfers or using Binary transfers with some FTP clients, the ^M characters may get introduced in the transferred contents of the .pak file. It is mandatory to remove these ^M characters before performing the manual steps. 1. While applying the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway distributed mode installations (Simple distributed and Fully Distributed), the 6.1.1 FixPack 2 pak file needs to be applied using update installer on all machines that host the following WebSphere Partner Gateway components in the specified order: a. WebSphere Partner Gateway Deployment Manager. b. WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub. c. WebSphere Partner Gateway Application Database. Perform the following steps on the nodes where Receiver hub, Console hub, and DocMgr hub (WebSphere Partner Gateway components) are installed. 2. Make sure that value for -Wupdate.RunSQLFiles is set to "No" in the Update Installer response parameter file. 3. While applying the Fixpack on WebSphere Partner Gateway simple mode installation using update installer, provide the product location corresponding to the WebSphere Partner Gateway hub location to apply the 6.1.1 FixPack 2 file using update installer. 4. Following are the prerequisites for 6.1.1 FixPack 2 installation: a. While applying the FixPack on simple mode deployment, make sure that the server is up and running. b. Make sure that the Deployment Manager (DMGR) and all node agents are up and running for simple distributed and fully distributed deployments. c. Stop all WebSphere Partner Gateway clusters in case of simple distributed and fully distributed deployment before applying FixPack. 5. Execute the script update.bat for Windows and for non-Windows to launch Update Installer. 6. In the Product Selection window, enter the DMGR installed location as the value for Directory Path. 7. In the Maintenance Operation Selection window, select Install maintenance package. 8. In the Maintenance Package Directory Selection window, provide the location of the 6.1.1 FixPack 2 pak file. 9. In the Available Maintenance Package to install window, ensure that the check box for FixPack pak file is selected.Note that when using the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway, select only one pak file for installation; otherwise it may give unexpected results. Installation Summary window will list the details about the pak file to be installed on the selected location. After completion of installation, an appropriate message, that is, Success or Failed will be displayed. Verify the logs present under /logs/update/<6.1.1 FixPack 2 pak name>.install for more information on the FixPack installation. 10. Perform steps 1 to 9 on all machines where Receiver, Console, and DocMgr (WebSphere Partner Gateway components) are installed. 11. Stop all WebSphere Partner Gateway servers before performing the steps to upgrade the database. 12. To manually upgrade the DB, perform the following steps: Run the following commands on DB2: a. UNIX: su - db2inst1. WINDOWS: Start the DB2CLP and make sure you are logged in as the user who owns the DB2 database. b. Start the database if it is not started. Steps required to upgrade WebSphere Partner Gateway application database. c. db2 connect to bcgapps. d. For Advanced, execute cd /WPGUpdate/6.1.1-WS-WPG-FP2_Advanced/database/db2. For Enterprise, execute cd /WPGUpdate/6.1.1-WS-WPG-FP2_Enterprise/database/db2. e. Run the following applicable scripts. Determine the level you are starting from (that is from V6.1.1.0, run both the scripts, from V6.1.1.1, only the last script). db2 -td! -f -z /home/db2inst1/BCGUpgrade_611_611FP1.log db2 -td! -f -z /home/db2inst1/BCGUpgrade_611FP1_611FP2.log f. Then run the Set_Grants script using the following command - db2 -td! -f /scripts/DB2/Set_Grants.sql -z /home/db2inst1/Set_Grants.log Steps required to upgrade WebSphere Partner Gateway MAS database (Not applicable for Simple Mode installation). g. Use the following command to disconnect from application database. db2 connect reset h. Log on to the WebSphere Partner Gateway MAS database db2 connect to For example, db2 connect to bcgmas i. Execute this command to fetch the configuration parameter of mas database - db2 get db cfg for >> "/mascfg.log". For example, db2 get db cfg for bcgmas >> "/home/db2inst1/mascfg.log". j. Open file mascfg.log and search for "LOGFILSIZ" parameter. If the value for this is equal to or more than 10000, then do not execute the next step. k. Execute this command - db2 "UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION FOR < WPG mas database > USING logfilsiz 10000 immediate" Run the following commands on Oracle: a. UNIX: su - oracle. WINDOWS: Make sure you are logged in as the owner of Oracle database. b. For Advanced, execute cd /WPGUpdate/6.1.1-WS-WPG-FP2_Advanced/database/oracle For Enterprise, execute cd /WPGUpdate/6.1.1-WS-WPG-FP2_Enterprise/database/oracle c. Run the applicable scripts from below. Determine the level you are starting from (That is from V6.1.1.0, run both the scripts, from V6.1.1.1, only the last script). The spool commands need to be run irrespective of the Fixpack you are upgrading from. sqlplus -L bcgapps/@ spool /home/oracle/FPUpgrade.log @ sqlplus -L bcgapps/@ @ spool off d. Then run the Grants_Syns script using the following command: sqlplus -L bcgapps/ @/bcgdbloader/scripts/Oracle/Grants_Syns.sql >/home/oracle/Grants_Syns.log e. Go the following location: For Advanced, execute - cd /WPGUpdate/6.1.1-WS-WPG-FP2_Advanced/masdatabase/oracle/ For Enterprise, execute - cd /WPGUpdate/6.1.1-WS-WPG-FP2_Enterprise/masdatabase/oracle/ The following script should not be run for the simple mode of installation as this script is applicable only for the BCGMAS database. Also, this script should be run only if the BCGMAS server has been started at least once. sqlplus -L bcgmas/@ spool /home/oracle/MASFPUpgrade.log @Install.sql spool off ===================================================== Uninstalling WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FixPack 2 IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway Version 6.1.1 FixPack 2 can be uninstalled using IBM®Update Installer for WebSphere Software ( and above). Note: Uninstallation of the FixPack using Update Installer does not restore the database to its previous version of WebSphere Partner Gateway.The database restoration step is to be performed manually, and is mandatory whenever WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FixPack 2 is uninstalled. Uninstalling the FixPack involves the following steps: Step A - Uninstalling the FixPack using IBM Update Installer. Step B - Restoring the WebSphere Partner Gateway application database. Step A - Uninstalling the FixPack using IBM Update Installer. Note: While uninstalling the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway distributed mode installations (Simple distributed and Fully Distributed), the FixPack .pak file has to be uninstalled using IBM Update Installer on all machines that host the following. WebSphere Partner Gateway components in the specified order: a. WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub. b. WebSphere Partner Gateway Deployment Manager. c. WebSphere Partner Gateway Application Database. In case of uninstalling the FixPack on WebSphere Partner Gateway simple mode installation, the FixPack.pak file has to be uninstalled using IBM Update Installer. Provide the product location as corresponding to the location of WebSphere Partner Gateway Hub. Following are the prerequisites for 6.1.1 FixPack 2 uninstallation: 1. Stop the WebSphere Partner Gateway servers. 2. Go to the IBM® Update Installer installed location and launch the same by executing the script update.bat for Windows and for non-Windows. 3. Provide the Directory Path in the Product Selection window as the DMGR installed location. 4. In the Maintenance Operation Selection window, select Uninstall maintenance package. 5. Select the maintenance package to uninstall (here it is 6.1.1 FixPack 2 pak file). Note that while using the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Partner Gateway, only one pak file should be selected for uninstallation;otherwise it may give unexpected results. 6. Uninstallation Summary window will list the details about the pak file to be uninstalled along with its location. 7. When the uninstallation is completed, an appropriate message, that is, "Success" or "Failed" displays. Verify the logs <.updateconfig.log> present under /logs/update/<6.1.1 FixPack 2 pak name>. Note: These steps should be performed on all machines where WebSphere Partner Gateway components are installed. Step B - WebSphere Partner Gateway application Database. Once the uninstallation is complete, restore the database using the backup taken before applying the FixPack. =========================================================== List of Fixes in WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.1.1 FixPack 2 =========================================================== Component: AS Apar: JR31380 Description: Earlier, some bytes of data were present in the compressed data, which did not allow the document flow in WebSphere Partner Gateway to complete successfully. Apar: JR31807 Description: The exception – "" was getting logged for some AS2 messages. This FixPack avoids duplicate attempts for logging the same header data. Component: Archiver Apar: JR32834 Description: When DB2 was installed in Swedish locale, the archiver failed to archive data. Apar: JR34518 Description: With this FixPack, the entire "msg_store" directory does not get deleted when you run archiver on a system that was migrated from 6.0. Apar: JR37038 Description: Previously, the BCGDBNONREPEXPORT.bat script did not work for all months of a year. It displayed error message "The input date format is not right. It should be YYYYMMDD". Component: Certificate Management Apar: JR32212 Description: Previously, the error message "No valid signing certificate found" displayed once out of 400 messages in a transaction. However, the transaction, displaying this error message was processed successfully on resend.This problem is resolved in the database processing to avoid any timing issues in getting the certificate from the database. Component: Console Apar: JR29947 Description: In this FixPack, WebSphere Partner Gateway Viewers are enhanced to support systems with Russian locale. Apar: JR30846 Description: With this FixPack, in the Create XML page of WebSphere Partner Gateway console, the values in document type drop down list are sorted as unique values along with the code. Apar: JR31723 Description: In this FixPack, the PIP Code for Rosettanet PIP messages display in the document details screen of the document viewer. Apar: JR31832 Description: Previously, the event description for BCG210013 - 'Connection not fully configured' displayed incorrect values for the event. Apar: JR32207 Description: In this Fix Pack, FA Overdue report is enhanced to support pagination. Apar: JR32275 Description: Prior to this fix, download of CPA from Oracle database through Partner Gateway Console resulted in a 0KB file. This is corrected with this FixPack. Apar: JR32276 Description: Previously, RosettaNet viewer did not display the PIP code in the process details screen, but displayed the Operation Mode instead. Also, in the RosettaNetviewer search result screen, Operation Mode was shown twice. Apar: JR32386 Description: Previously, the console HTTP requests were trapped and injected with the SQL code, which lead to a security hole. The problem of SQL injection threat is resolved in this FixPack. Apar: JR32387 Description: Prior to this fix, when a CPA was downloaded from the EBMS CPA list screen and the search link was clicked, it inappropriately displayed the dialog window for CPA download. Apar: JR32399 Description: In this FixPack, a user can be created with the same name as that of a deleted partner's user name. Apar: JR34373 Description: While uploading new chain certificates in WebSphere Partner Gateway console, the 'Cert path is not valid' error message was displayed on click of "Validate" button. However, this error message did not display after restarting the WebSphere Partner Gateway servers. This problem occurred because the cache refresh was not happening, and so the new certificates were not getting loaded in the cache. Apar: JR36089 Description: Previously, in the console of WebSphere Partner Gateway, setting the time to "Central Time (GMT -6:00 DST)" did not work because the time shown was exactly the same as "Central Time (GMT -6:00)" time. Moreover, the Daylight Saving Time (DST) did not make any difference. Apar: JR32946 Description: When the user tried to create an alert using the following procedure, an error message "An Alert with this name already exists. Alerts must be unique." was displayed. 1. Save this alert without navigating to the "Notify" page. 2. Click on Notify page. Subscribe any contact and save this page. Apar: JR34555 Description: The volume alert create page did not save the correct frequency whenever the defined frequency was more than 7 days. Component: Console/EBMS Apar: JR33933 Description: From this FixPack onwards, the EBMS Viewer in WebSphere Partner Gateway console displays the retried documents under a conversation. Apar: JR34530 Description: The EBMS Viewer and the document viewer displayed incorrect timestamps. The timestamp of the retried document was same as that of the original received document. The timestamp problem is resolved in this Fix Pack. Component: Console/EDI Apar: JR36863 Description: Previously, when the data was imported from an EIF using the EIF Import wizard, all translational tables were not successfully imported. Additionally, after running the import wizard, the translation table entries were seen missing. The problem in the EIF import wizard is resolved. Component: Console/EDI-Reports Apar: JR33507 Description: SQL exception occurred when the user selected Functional Acknowledgment overdue reports using multiple From and To partners. Now, users can retrieve reports for large number of partners at once. Component: Console/Resend Apar: JR34815 Description: The target resend for Rosettanet document from the WebSphere Partner Gateway console failed. Apar: JR35176 Description: The target resend for AS document from the WebSphere Partner Gateway console failed. Apar: JR35177 Description: The target resend for EBMS document from the WebSphere Partner Gateway console failed. Component: Database Apar: JR37222 Description: The DB2 database instance ID which is used for executing the Archiver scripts is now corrected. Apar: JR32087 Description: The mirroring problem of LOB DB2 data for certificates to enable DB2 HADR usage is resolved. Now, all LOB columns are logged and can be mirrored. To enable DB2 HADR usage, the mirroring problem of LOB DB2 data for certificates is resolved. Now, all LOB columns are logged and can be mirrored. Apar: JR36896 Description: When a duplicate insert was done to the LG_AS_HDR table, it resulted in an incorrect error message. The message, "LG_AS_HDRI_ah1 failed with error code = 2. Error msg = RAN SUCCESSFULLY!” was logged in the System.out file. From this FixPack onwards, it displays "LG_AS_HDRI_ah1 failed with error code = 2. Error msg = DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX " error message. Apar: JR37037 Description: In this FixPack, the tablespace quota is correctly assigned to MAS database of WepSphere Partner Gateway. Apar: JR34769 Description: In this FixPack, the MAS database script does not fail while creating the required indexes on the MAS database tables. Component: Destination/File Directory Apar: JR33901 Description: Previously, while using a File Directory Gateway configured to a physical location on a Unix platform, it was observed that the file permissions set on the transferred files were inconsistent. Additionally, some of the files had rw-r-r permission and few other files had rw-rw-rw permission. This inconsistency is corrected in this FixPack. Now, all the files have the intended permission of rw-rw-rw on the files transferred using the File Directory Gateway. Component: Destination/HTTP Apar: JR29147 Description: With this FixPack, you can configure a value, which will use the transfer encoding as chunked while sending the HTTP document. Using the "bcg.http.requestSizeForChunking" parameter from the System Properties, this value can be set as number of bytes.Note that you can retain the default value 2147483647 unless it is required to change. Component: Destination/JMS Apar: JR36869 Description: When there were no transport headers attached to the response document, the custom destination PostProcess handler failed to introduce the response document into the WebSphere Partner Gateway flow. Component: Destinations/Console Apar: JR31355 Description: In WebSphere Partner Gateway console, the results of destinations "Where User" displayed all connections instead of displaying specific participant connections on which the destination was configured. Component: Document Manager Apar: JR30376 Description: In this FixPack, DB2 CPU utilization is substantially improved. Apar: JR30558 Description: The default threshold for storing messages is increased to 1 MB. This facilitates storing of documents below 1 MB in the message store. A threshold value of 0 or -1 overrides the restriction of message threshold and stores all the messages into the message store. Apar: JR32901 Description: When WebSphere Partner Gateway was installed in distributed mode with multiple routers, it intermittently displayed "*_PROT.TMP DOES NOT EXIST" error message. This triggered the "BCG250002" event while routing the documents. Apar: JR34498 Description: On Oracle, WebSphere Partner Gateway intermittently logged "SQLException ORA-00001: unique constraint violated" error while processing customer XML transactions. Apar: JR36898 Description: For a signed document, the payload content type did not contain any information about the payload encoding. This caused the UTF-8 data to be saved as ASCII, resulting in corruption of data for partners, who used non WebSphere Partner Gateway software to receive AS Message. In this fix pack, a channel attribute is used to set the encoding over the channel that sets it on the payload. Apar: JR36902 Description: The reprocessDbLogging script is not successful if the ws_runtime.jar is not found in "\deploytool\itp\plugins\ " directory. However, while applying WebSphere Application Server FixPacks, the part changes caused the failure of a batch file. In this FixPack, if the script fails, a warning message displays so that the user can change the ws_runtime.jar location. Apar: JR36903 Description: Previously, when an external trading partner repeatedly sent the same AS2 document with same message-id in HTTP header, WebSphere Partner Gateway did not reject the AS2 document as a duplicate message instead processed the document successfully. Apar: JR36906 Description: In this Fixpack, using the FTP scripting, target can process "mput" command with wildcard expression. For example, mput *.doc. Apar: JR37008 Description: 3A4 v2.00 PIP package was not in accordance with its corresponding message guideline, it caused a validation error while routing a valid 3A4 v2.00 RN document. The problem is resolved in this FixPack by correcting the PIP package. Component: Document Manager/AS Apar: JR33552 Description: When a synchronous response with just a "LF" and not "CRLF" was appended to the header, WebSphere Partner Gateway failed to parse the content-type field, which caused the document to fail. Apar: JR36904 Description: When "Allow AS Documents with Duplicate Message ID channel" attribute was set to Yes, the AS2 dupcheck procedure (PR_AS_DUP_CHECK) was called, which resulted in performance problems. Component: Document Manager/BPE Apar: JR32679 Description: Previously, in a deployment topology that had a network firewall in front of the database, it was observed that on firewall timeout, some of the poll engines of WebSphere Partner Gateway had long running transactions that were severed. This resulted in a lot of StaleConnection exceptions and the connections from the pool were exhausted.This eventually led to ConnectionWaitTimeout exceptions. In this FixPack, the poll engine logic is corrected to use UserTransactions instead of shareable connections under LTC boundary. Apar: JR33284 Description: Previously, some resent documents remained in the "in-process" state, and issued many BCG210022 "Process transaction rolled back" events. Component: Document Manager/EBMS Apar: JR32225 Description: WebSphere Partner Gateway did not put the RefMessageID element in the packaged ebXML document, even though the backend header "x-aux-request-msg-id" was present in the document from the backend. Apar: JR32404 Description: Previously, while performing transactions with EBMS documents having Oracle as a backend database, it was observed that the WebSphere Partner Gateway logged "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded error" SQLException. In this FixPack, some of the EBMS related classes were corrected to explicitly close the ResultsSet objects, which in turn mitigated the occurrence of the ORA-01000 problem. Apar: JR32817 Description: Although the "ConversationConstraints" element in the CPA was optional, the console of WebSphere Partner Gateway prevented the upload of a CPA that did not have the "ConversationConstraints" element. Apar: JR32895 Description: WebSphere Partner Gateway did not place the RefMessageID element in the packaged ebXML document, even though the document from backend had the x_aux_request_msg_id" header. Apar: JR33990 Description: For EBMS conversation, the "acknowledgment" and the "Message error" for EBMS document were under the conversation constraint check. With this fixPack, these have been taken out of the conversation constraint check. Apar: JR34051 Description: During activity logging, some errors prevented the completion of EBMS state logging, so during EBMS logging, some transactions were seen in the "in process" state even though they had reached their end state. Apar: JR34133 Description: Many duplicate key exceptions were seen in the log files while performing EBMS documents transactions. These exceptions occurred while logging the retried documents. Apar: JR34521 Description: Under load, when EBMS retries and outbound acknowledgements were posted to the internal queue of MAIN_INBOUNDQ,the messages piled up in the MAIN_INBOUNDQ. As a result, inbound acknowledgements were processed after a significant delay, which generated in unwanted EBMS retries. Apar: JR34571 Description: During EBMS retries, the retry count of EBMS documents were updated only after the retried document was processed in BPE. When the retries were stuck in the MAIN_INBOUNDQ, and when the retry interval was of less duration, it lead to retries more than configured value. Apar: JR34693 Description: With this FixPack, if the "x-aux-create-datetime" header is present, then its value should be set as the document's timestamp for the EBMS document.If the "x-aux-create-datetime" header is missing, then the system time when the document was received, should be set as the document's timestamp, and the same timestamp should be displayed in the viewers. Apar: JR34718 Description: EBMS performance is substantially improved in this FixPack. Apar: JR34923 Description: In this FixPack, when multiple verification certificates are uploaded on the receiver hub, the XML Signature verification process does not fail for signed EBMS document. Apar: JR36894 Description: If the document failed at the gateway, EBMS retries did not work at the EBMS protocol level. Component: Document Manager/EDI Apar: JR33035 Description: A precision problem in double arithmetic resulted in an unexpected result, when the "NumFormat" function was used in the transformation map. Apar: JR34401 Description: As the inbound document did not display the associated 997 when there was a syntactical error prior to EDI transformation, failed inbound message displayed when the user viewed the document using document viewer. Apar: JR33539 Description: In this FixPack, the problem of the null pointer exception accompanied with "Unexpected Exception Occurred" events (BCGEDICM0001) during inbound 997 processing is resolved. Apar: JR35028 Description: Due to the locking of an Enveloper problem, some EDI Documents indefinitely got stuck in the "In-Progress" state. Apar: JR36870 Description: With this FixPack, you can produce the desired output by using the "ROUND" and "TRUNCATE" map functions in transformation maps. Apar: JR36912 Description: Unhandled exceptions resulted in losing the FTP error events without being displayed to the user. Component: Document Manager/FTP Apar: JR32934 Description: In the WebSphere Partner Gateway console, while delivering an EDI interchange having multiple transactions over FTP scripting gateway by having unique file name option de-selected, all de-enveloped transactions are shown as "in process". Component: Document Manager/FTP Scripting Apar: JR36910 Description: The scheduler stopped when the thread for polling FTP Gateway folder was run having the FTP Scripting Gateway disabled. During such instances, even after the FTP Scripting was enabled, there was no polling of the FTP gateway for delivering the document. Apar: JR36914 Description: In case of FTP Scripting Gateway, the MetaData.sql had two configuration point ID entries for the gateway preprocess handler.When the available handlers were loaded in the Scripting Gateway configuration screen, it displayed erratic behavior. Component: Document Manager/JMS Gateway Apar: JR36905 Description: In this FixPack, the document delivery does not fail when the user sends enveloped document through a JMS Gateway. Component: Document Manager/RNIF Apar: JR30201 Description: In this FixPack, the Content-Transfer-Encoding header is set during RNIF packaging. Apar: JR32229 Description: Routing a 4B2 PIP document using Rosettanet Participant Simulator failed due to incorrect PIP version mentioned in the contents of the PIP package.When the simulator failed, "B2B Capability not found" error event was displayed. Component: EDI Apar: JR32039 Description: When there was a double quote within the ROD data fields, WebSphere Partner Gateway displayed "Missing Record Delimiter" BCGEDIUP0038 error message. Apar: JR32457 Description: Whenever batch of acknowledgments were processed, WebSphere Partner Gateway displayed "an unexpected exception occurred in component: EDIAckProcessor.Exception text: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unmatched braces in the pattern" error message. This error message was displayed because the character "{" present in EDI document was treated as a special character. Apar: JR33448 Description: Duplicate documents were generated by WebSphere Partner Gateway due to the locking mechanism used by the Enveloper. Apar: JR34275 Description: During multiple router setups, Enveloper was processing documents without acquiring locks which resulted in duplicate Envelopes. Apar: JR36899 Description: The ALC loop in table number 3 of EDI99b dictionary is now getting detected during transformation. Apar: JR36913 Description: An error message “ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Failed inbound” was displayed when viewed using document viewer. The inbound document did not show the associated 997, when there was a syntactical error prior to EDI transformation. This exception occurred during transformation when locale was set to Chinese. However, the same exception did not occur when locale was set to en_us. The problem relating to the locale is resolved in this FixPack. Component: Event Engine Apar: JR31549 Description: The BCG250004 event alert now works for both, inbound and outbound documents. Apar: JR34907 Description: In this FixPack, the event 'BCG250008', 'Document delivery to Partner Destination failed' is correctly logged. Component: Event Processing Apar: JR33576 Description: During WebSphere Partner Gateway document processing on Oralce, the logging of WebSphere Partner Gateway generated events that produced unique constraint violated log statements. These statements were misleading as the events were logged properly. Component: Infrastructure Apar: JR31016 Description: When a failover (HACMP) occurred for MQ, the connections to MQ were not picked up again. Instead, WebSphere Partner Gateway displayed "BCG103203 - Receiver 'JMS:TO.WPG.EXT,JMS' failed to processing document" error message in the Event Viewer. Apar: JR31749 Description: During the following conditions, high volumes of document transaction caused the document processing to stop abruptly. The following errors were seen in the log file: 1. JMSQueueSende E sendMessage JMS Exception occurred for queue: jms/bcg/queue/main_InboundQ javax.jms.JMSException: CWSIA0067E: An exception was received during the call to the method 2. JmsMsgProducerImpl.sendMessage (#4): CWSIC8007E: An exception was caught from the remote server with Probe Id 3-008-0007. 3. Exception: CWSIP0002E: An internal messaging error occurred in, 1:692:1.282, 4. CWSIS1002E: An unexpected exception was caught during transaction completion. 5. Exception: CWSIS1500E: The dispatcher cannot accept work. Apar: JR32160 Description: In this FixPack, the classes that deal with Native Library are moved to server level class loader. Henceforth, when an application is restarted, it does not display the "UnsatisfiedLinkError" error. Apar: JR33357 Description: When JMS destination was configured on WAS SIBUS other than where WebSphere Partner Gateway was hosted and the corresponding messaging engine was unavailable, WPG issues retired on JMS destination. However, events for the retry attempts were not seen from event viewer.With this FixPack, for this specific scenario, the retry events are logged and can be viewed from WPG event viewer. Component: Installer Apar: JR32660 Description: From this Fixpack onwards, if any user or group other than bcguser or bcggroup is provided, the FixPack Installer installs successfully. Component: Partner Migration Apar: JR30754 Description: With this FixPack, XML Formats can be migrated from any previous versions of WebSphere Partner Gateway. Apar: JR31241 Description: While using BCGMigration import utility, null pointer exceptions were seen in "processConnectionList" attribute. These exceptions occurred in the code where imported envelop profile names were not looked up properly in later references. The null pointer exception related problems are resolved in this FixPack. Apar: JR32149 Description: With this FixPack, while importing WebSphere Partner Gateway configuration using partner migration, partner not found related error messages will not be displayed for a particular connection. Apar: JR36901 Description: While exporting routing objects, the partner migration utility failed and displayed "Exception in getRoutingObjectListXML()" exception message. Component: Receiver Apar: JR36263 Description: The FTP Scripting Receiver with lock User turned ON, stopped polling after a prolonged run and it needed a server restart to get it to poll again. This problem is resolved in this FixPack. Apar: JR36868 Description: DB connections were left open during Receiver startup. This happened when there were a number of Receivers of different transport types. Also, most of these receivers had custom handlers defined for them. Component: Receivers/Console Apar: JR31356 Description: If the file receiver existed, the "operation mode" for receivers did not work. Additionally, an error message stating that the directory cannot be created was displayed. Component: Receiver/FTP Scripting Apar: JR34653 Description: Previously, in case of FTP Scripting receivers with LOCK USER set to Yes, stray locks in the "LG_LOCK_FTPSCRIPT" table resulted in indefinite wait time for a lock. As a result, the FTP Scripting receivers were not polling. This is corrected in this FixPack. Apar: JR36915 Description: FTP Scripting target failed with an unhandled exception while receiving files having numeric filenames for example 22.txt, 33.txt, 12.txt or 1.txt. Component: Receiver/JMS Apar: JR36225 Description: In this FixPack, Trace statements are added to log JMS Receiver to track JMS Receiver failures. Apar: JR36911 Description: From this FixPack onwards, JMS receiver does not fail to receive a document if the "topic://" attribute is specified in the header tags. Component: Security Apar: JR30564 Description: With this FixPack, when an existing Primary certificate expires, the secondary certificate displays as a primary certificate for the same security function. Apar: JR32566 Description: The length calculated of encoded data of "EncapslatedContentInfo" did not include the length of the identifier, which was causing the length of CompressedData content to be less by one. This was causing the exception to occur and hence decompression was failing. Apar: JR32617 Description: The expired primary certificate is now automatically replaced by a secondary certificate in case of EBMS flows. ===================================================== Notices and trademarks: Terms of use: