Title Failed to create WebSphere Process Server profile with French when configuring virtual system created with stand-alone virtual image Problem(Abstract) When configuring the virtual system created with stand-alone virtual image, if choose French as primary language, the WebSphere Process Server's profile can not been created successfully. Note: This problem is only happened when using French. Resolving the problem The problem can be fixed with followed steps: 1. login the virtual machine as root 2. Download the fix 7.0-WS-WPSHVE-652461.zip from fix center 3. Create folder /tmp/update/app if dose not exist 4. Extract the fix file to /tmp/update/app 5. run /opt/IBM/AE/AS/installAppService.sh 6. check the log /opt/IBM/AE/AR/ConfigWPSHVE.traceout whether the fix is installed successfully 7. run "/var/adm/ibmvmcoc-postinstall/resetvm.sh -notools -resetip" to reset the image 8. start the virtual machine and reconfigure, the profile can be created successfully in this time