Readme for IBM CICS Explorer version 1.0.1

ProductCICS Explorer
Build ID201009220955
APARs IncludedIZ85369
Date Published23 Sep 2010


Readme documentation for IBM CICS Explorer version 1.0.1 including installation instructions; prerequisites and co-requisites; and a list of fixes included.

Table of Contents

Additional Information

Please Note: The IBM hosted Update-Site for the CICS Explorer has moved since version of the CICS Explorer. If updating via the Update-Site mechanism please see the section below on how to update the URL in the CICS Explorer.

Additional information on the CICS Explorer can be found included with the CICS Explorer. From within the CICS Explorer, click Help -> Help Contents to display the help for CICS Explorer.

Additional information on the CICS Explorer can also be found online at: CICS Explorer homepage. There are several links on there to extra information about the CICS Explorer including a link to video tutorials and podcasts on the CICS Explorer and CICS TS: System z Videos/Podcasts

See also the forums for the CICS Explorer and CICS Tools plug-ins for the CICS Explorer where information is posted, and questions can be posted.

About this Update

This update contains the following APAR fixes: IZ85369
More information on these APARs is displayed below:

APAR IZ85369
Problem Description

Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.1

Problem Summary

This APAR tracks the release of CICS Explorer version

This update provides the following new enhancements:

* The new System z/OS perspective containing a set of new views to help you manage your System z artifacts. These views are named Data Sets, Jobs, z/OS Unix Files, and Console.
* The ability to export and import system connection details using the new Connection Export/Import page in the Connection Preferences view. You can export your connections as an .xml file. This file can be edited, shared with other users, and imported into other CICS Explorer instances.
* A new breadcrumb trail is displayed in the editor view that shows the location of a resource.

* The ability to view system initialization table (SIT) parameters, SIT overrides, or a combination of both. You cannot, however, see changes in the values of parameters that were made after startup using system programming interface commands.
* Four new Operations views have been added in this version. These views are named CMAS to CMAS Links view, Journal Models view, Journal Names view, and Stream Names view.
* One new Administration view named CMAS to CMAS Link Definitions view.
* A System z/OS Quick Tips section has been added to the documentation. This topic is intended to provide short answers to frequently asked questions about the System z/OS perspective.

The What's New topic in the CICS Explorer help documentation describes the new and changed items in more detail. To display the topic, click Help > Help Contents > What's new in version 1.0.1.

The following defects have also been fixed as part of this update:

1187: All RegionGroupDefinitions are incorrectly nested beneath all RegionGroupDefinitions in the CICSplex Repositories View when using a Data connection
1425: Excessive Password Prompting and connecting in CICS Explorer
4901: Error on Create XXXDefinition Wizard when a Resource Group is selected before the wizard opened
7022: INSTALL failures in CREATE cmd not properly returned in CNX msg
7436: Error numbers should translate to text
8687: UI delegate contributions are not disabled after performing an operation
9271: Plugin perspectives not cleaned up when plug-in uninstalled
9417: Combination of externalized and unexternalized colons
9759: Error messages not appearing correctly in fields on editor
10524: Explorer Administration - New dialogs and folding of names
10604: Attempt to quiesce WLM target MAS gives RESPONSE(FAILED) REASON(EXCEPTION)
10617: Accessibility issue with N/A values
10913: Explorer links to the InfoCenter don't honour/use my default browser
11726: Connections preferences page "Could not accept changes" error box
11834: Attribute column names in the Event Processing view should be the CPSM short names
12038: Inadequate user feedback given in the case the an exported EP adapter has a schema not supported by CICS.
12274: Beta forum: Port Number:  place on the Connections setup pop-up should be bigger.
12437: Clarify error when data pasted into wrong columns for COBOL
12744: Bundle Projects export as ASCII and not Binary
12994: CNX0604E: Delete Resource Group Definition "TESTGRP1" from "CICSPLX1" failed
13556: Selecting an information source for half/full word types results in incorrect length
13600: Multiple Workloads (same name different owner) not differentiated in CICSplex Explorer window
13602: CICSplex Explorer Workload Routers list of regions incorrect when multiple instances of Workload
13617: Explorer CICSplexes view returns no data and "CNX0201I No context" when should return CMASs for CICSplex(es)
13618: Description of "greyed-out" CICSplex Repository needs to include "no connection to MP CMAS" 
14686: Atom Configuration schema not catching problems created by the atom configuration editor
14690: Atom Configuration Editor seems to have globalisation problems
14696: Default URI in Atom Config Wizard accepts tabs
14867: CICS SM Operations folder of available views contains non-Operations views
14877: CICS trying to connect to undefined CICS connection in a new workspace
14881: explorer validator not functioning correctly for filter data type CHARZ
14929: Modified CNX0222W should include the resource object in the message
15075: SMSS Explorer "CICSplex Repositories" help is now out-of-date
15150: First character ignored when adding new connection credential
15228: Atom configuration file Wizard and Editor defects
15243: Event binding option appears twice in the "New" context menu
15244: Validation of Bundle Project z/OS exporter not trigger on load
15403: URIMAP application command option on INVOKE SERVICE does not work in information sources
15434: Emitted business information table has incorrect columns in the EBE
15451: Invalid field validation on transaction definition object transaction service field
15459: Selection of Transactional inconsistent for EP adapters
15467: Can't shutdown multiple CICS Regions at the same time via the Explorer
15474: Event Binding editor is inconsistent with replacing space characters with _ characters
15489: Minor changes to enhance CNX0106E
15503: XMLTRANSFORM bundle creation doesn't sit at a logical point in the menu hierarchy
15504: Description in "Import XML transform source" wizard is wrong
15533: SMSS connected Explorer returns INVALIDPARM PARM if select a Respository in Repositories view

More InformationMore information on APAR IZ85369 can be found here


The following prerequisites are required to be installed before installing this update.

CICSPlex SM 4.1PM15214

APAR PM15214 is required for the new SIT parameter support.

CICS TS 4.1PM15583

APAR PM15583 is required for the new SIT parameter support.

CICS TS 4.1PM08661

APAR PM08661 is required to use the new JVM server Disable actions: PHASEOUT, PURGE, FORCEPURGE, and KILL.

CICS TS 4.1PK94205

APAR PK94205 is required to be installed on CICS TS 4.1 in order to install a bundle using the new HTTP Event Processing adapter.

Bundles can be created in the CICS Explorer using the new HTTP Event Processing adapter without PK94205 being first applied on the target system, however that bundle won't be able to be installed into the CICS TS 4.1 region until PK94205 has been applied.

CICS TS 4.1PK90112

APAR PK90112 is required for all functions and views that interact with the CICS CSD file.



Installation Instructions

To install updates for the CICS Explorer, there are two options:

  1. Update the CICS Explorer from within the CICS Explorer, using the built in update-site.
  2. Or alternatively download a zipped version of the update-site and install it locally.
    (Known as an archive update-site).

An advantage of using the IBM-hosted update-site is that it is kept up-to-date with the latest version. Users can search for any available updates to the CICS Explorer periodically from within the CICS Explorer. They can choose if and when to install them at their convenience. Alternatively the user can choose to get the CICS Explorer to automatically search for updates and inform the user when they become available.

Otherwise updates can be downloaded on demand from Fix Central, but users will need to check the Fix Central website for any further updates available, and download them as appropriate. Fix Central:

Installation via the Update-Site

To update the CICS Explorer using the IBM-hosted update-site follow the instructions below:

Important: Please note the location for the IBM hosted update-site has moved since version Please follow the instructions below to add the new update-site location to the CICS Explorer.

  1. Launch the CICS Explorer
  2. Click Help on the CICS Explorer menu bar and click Software Updates in the drop-down menu. The Software Updates and Add-ons window is displayed.
  3. Click the Available Software tab.
  4. A link to the CICS Explorer update-site is included with the product by default and will need updating to the new location. To check if the update-site is present:
  5. If the update site wasn't present at all complete the following step:
  6. Note: The update-site URL above will look for any update to Version 1.0 of the CICS Explorer, including new modification levels such as 1.0.1. This is the recommended update-site to use. To explicitly choose updates for a specific modification level you can choose: This will contain all updates for 1.0.1.x but any new modification levels in the future will not be included. Using the 'latest' update-site will ensure all updates for Version 1.0 will be available.
  7. To update the CICS Explorer select the Installed Software tab, and then click Update...
  8. If an update is available, an Update dialog box will appear to confirm the installation of the update. Click Finish.
  9. The CICS Explorer is then updated, and you'll be asked to restart to apply the changes. Click Yes to restart the CICS Explorer, once it has restarted it will now be up-to-date.

Installation via Fix Central

To update the CICS Performance Analyzer plug-in from Fix Central follow the instructions below:

  1. Launch the CICS Explorer
  2. Click Help on the CICS Explorer menu bar and click Software Updates in the drop-down menu. The Software Updates and Add-ons window is displayed.
  3. Click the Available Software tab.
  4. Click the Add Site button and in the Add Site dialog click the Archive button. The Repository archive dialog box is displayed.
  5. Locate and select the CICS Explorer zipped update-site file you downloaded previously, and click Open.
  6. Click OK in the Add Site dialog box. The dialog box closes and the tool is displayed in the Software Updates and Add-ons dialog box.
  7. To update the CICS Explorer select the Installed Software tab, and then click Update...
  8. If the CICS Explorer's version is earlier than the version of the CICS Explorer in the zip being downloaded, an Update dialog box will appear to confirm the installation of the update. Click Finish.
  9. The CICS Explorer is then updated, and you'll be asked to restart to apply the changes. Click Yes to restart the CICS Explorer, once it has restarted it will now be up-to-date.

Known Issues of this update

Please read the known issues with this update below to make sure this update is appropriate in your environment.

Reverting Updates

It is a limitation of Eclipse 3.4.2, that before you can revert to a previous version of CICS Explorer you must have access to an update site containing the source code for the previous level. You can download the update site of the version you want to revert to from the IBM Fix central Web site located at

Installing Remote Resources

You can not install remote resources using the CICS Explorer.

CICS Explorer Help

You can set your help search scope to search the CICS TS 4.1 information center. Setting the search scope to include previous version of the CICS TS information centers is not supported and might cause errors.

Column Sorting

The column sorting function is not enabled in the CICS Explorer.

Secured Eclipse Update-Sites

The Eclipse software update function does not fully support Eclipse Update-Sites secured with HTTP Basic Authentication. If you are connecting to an Eclipse update site that prompts for a username and password, you should not select the option to save your password when prompted, because CICS Explorer does not provide a method for changing your password once set. If the password is not saved, then it must be entered each time the CICS Explorer connects to the update site. If a password is saved and subsequently needs changing, manual editing of configuration files would be required.

Problems on Ubuntu 9.10 and Fedora 12

A problem has been identified when running the CICS Explorer on the Linux platforms Ubuntu 9.10 and Fedora 12. These platforms are NOT supported by the IBM CICS Explorer, however there is a workaround that you can use if you want to use these unsupported platforms.

The problem relates to issues between the GTK and Mozilla releases and the SWT implementation in Eclipse 3.4.2 on which the CICS Explorer is currently based. The issue you might experience is that buttons in the CICS Explorer might not respond to mouse clicks, but will work from the keyboard.

The workaround is to launch the cicsexplorer executable from the shell script below:

./cicsexplorer $*

As previously stated, the Linux platforms Ubuntu 9.10 and Fedora 12 are unsupported.

Known Limitations of this update


Change History

Below describes the changes made to the CICS Explorer since the beginning of the release. APAR(s): IZ85369
IZ85369Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.1
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ79765
IZ79765Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.7
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ74916
IZ74916Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.6
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ70464
IZ70464Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.5
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ66786
IZ66786Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.4
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ65446
IZ65446Deleting a CICS TS Queue in the CICS Explorer deletes all TS Queues
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ62254
IZ62254Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.2
 More Information: APAR(s): IZ62213
IZ62213Release of CICS Explorer v1.0.0.1
 More Information: Release

Copyright and Trademark Information



This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.

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The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided or referenced below. Please note that any non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the licenses below, provided as part of the English version of this file, is the official version.

Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have with IBM or any of its related or affiliated entities (collectively "IBM"), the third party software code identified below are "Excluded Components" and are subject to the following terms and conditions:

Document Change History

23 Sep 2010Initial version
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