A. Installation of the IBM Business Process Manager Banking Pack iFix for APAR JR39884 ================================================================= Pre-requisite: Before you install the IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) Banking Pack iFix for APAR JR39884, ensure that the existing BPM Banking Pack installation is at version 7.5. Procedure: Perform the following steps to install the iFix from a local repository: 1. Download the file. 2. Extract the contents of the zip file into a temporary directory. 3. Start the IBM Installation Manager. 4. Click File > Preferences. 5. In the navigation pane, click Repositories. 6. In the Repositories pane, click Add Repository. 7. Click Browse and navigate to the directory where you have downloaded and extracted the iFix files. 8. Select repository.config and click Open. 9. In the Add Repository dialog box, click OK. 10. In the Preferences window, click OK. 11. Click Update. The Update Packages wizard is displayed. 12. Select the IBM Business Process Manager Banking Pack package for an update. 13. Click Next. The Installation Manager searches for updates in its repositories. 14. In the Updates window, select the iFix version 15. Click Next. The License window is displayed with a list of licenses for the updates you have selected. 16. Click each item to review the license agreement. If you agree to the terms of the license agreements, select “I accept the terms of the license agreements”. 17. Click Next. The Update Packages window is displayed. 18. From Features panel, select all the features. 19. Click Next. The summary window is displayed. 20. Click Update. The Installation Manager installs the iFix. Note: After the installation is complete, the Update Packages window is refreshed and displays the list of installed packages. The message “The packages are updated” is displayed. 22. Click Finish. Result: The iFix for APAR JR39884 is installed successfully. B. Installation of New Account Opening process application from version iFix ================================================================ 1. To install the New Account Opening process application using the installation scripts, follow the steps provided in the below URL: For Standard: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v7r5mx/topic/com.ibm.ws.icp.bkkpay.doc/shared/dev_guide/refimp/task/scenario3/t_std_conf_auto_std.html For Advanced: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v7r5mx/topic/com.ibm.ws.icp.bkkpay.doc/shared/dev_guide/refimp/task/scenario3/t_conf_auto.html 2. After successful installation of process application, follow the steps mentioned in the below URL to configure the database: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v7r5mx/topic/com.ibm.ws.icp.bkkpay.doc/shared/dev_guide/refimp/task/scenario3/t_config_manual_db_r.html Note: The installation scripts for iFix do not create a new database. The database created for the version 7.5 is reused. Thus, if required the database must be created manually. The database configuration is common for both Standard and Advanced editions. C. If you have already installed the version 7.5 and executed the New Account Opening process application, perform the following steps: ===================================================================================================== 1. Pre-Requisite: Ensure that you have performed the step B1 mentioned above. 2. In DB2, connect to the WICPDB database and run the following query to perform data cleanup: **************************************************************** UPDATE BCP_NAO."RESIDENCE_DETAILS" a SET a.years = CAST(a.years AS INTEGER); COMMIT; **************************************************************** 3. Perform the following steps to make iFix process application snapshot as default track: a. Login to Process Designer, click the Process Apps tab and click New Account Opening. b. From Tracks list, select c. Click on Deactivate, it will deactivate d. Click on Undeploy to start undeploying snapshot. e. From Tracks list, select f. From right hand side, click "Make Default Track" for g. Login to Process Admin Console and click Deployed Apps, select New Account Opening (BK NAO) - and then click Make Default Version. h. Click OK. i. Login to Process Server admin console and click on Applications>>Application Types>>WebSphere enterprise applications, check whether the following applications exist. If they exist select them and click Uninstall. Click OK to save. i. BKNAO- ii. BKNAO- i. Restart the Process Server. Note: While opening process application in Process Designer, you are prompted with two tracks to select - (old snapshot) and (new snapshot). You need to select the track to work with the latest snapshot.