IBM WebSphere Telecom Web Services Server (Base), Version 7.2 Interim Fix 1 Readme

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About this interim fix

This interim fix applies to IBM® WebSphere® Telecom Web Services Server (TWSS) - Base, Version 7.2 installation using Firststeps on all supported platforms. This interim fix is installed using IBM Installation Manager.

Fix and update history

Interim Fix 001:

Note: IBM Installation Manager should be stopped while executing these two scripts.

Note: TWSSFeatureInfo script is supported in IBM Installation Manager, Version 1.4.4 and above.

Software compatibility

Operating Systems:

Application Server:


Installation Manager

Installation requirements

Hardware requirements

Hardware requirements for TWSS are included in the information center. For more information, see Hardware requirements.

Software requirements

Software requirements for TWSS are included in the information center. For more information, see Software requirements and the Software compatibility section of this Readme file. 

Installation instructions

Note: In this section:

To apply the interim fix, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that the IBM Installation Manager version is at a supported level as listed in Software Compatibility section, and that TWSS Base is installed.
  2. Verify that the WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus versions are at supported levels as listed in Software Compatibility section.
  3. Download the TWSS Base iFix001 .zip file ( into a location in the Deployment Manager machine and extract the .zip file.
    This .zip file contains the repository.config file along with other files and folders.
  4. In the Deployment Manager machine, launch IBM Installation Manager from IM_ROOT/eclipse/IBMIM and set the repository.config file at File > Preferences > Add Repository.
  5. In the IBM Installation Manager home screen, click Update.
  6. In the first panel, select the Package Group Name (WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Application Server Enterprise Service Bus) where TWSS-Base is installed.
  7. Click Next.
    The second panel lists the Interim Fix applicable for TWSS-Base.
  8. Click Next.
    The third panel shows the Pre-Update Summary containing information like Interim Fix name and Package Group Name where this iFix001 is installed.
  9. Click Update.
  10. Once the iFix is installed, click Finish.


Note: Consider the scenario where you have installed the TWSS-Base GM build without the Firststeps feature, and you have installed iFix001 on top of this. Later, you install Firststeps using the Modify option available in IBM Installation Manager. In such a scenario, if you attempt to uninstall iFix001, IBM Installation Manager gives a "Failed to find all Installation Files" error. Hence, before uninstalling iFix001, set the repositiry.config file of TWSS-Base GM build in IBM Installation Manager at File > Preferences > Add Repository.

Note: If iFix001 is uninstalled, TWSS-Base reverts to the GM version and the file (WAS_ROOT/installableApps/TWSS-Base/firststeps) gets modified. There are two methods to revert to the original values in the properties file:

Configuration instructions

The configuration for TWSS is the same as that described in the TWSS 7.2 information center.

Updates, limitations, and known problems

Other updates, limitations, and known problems about Telecom Web Services Server are documented in technotes on the IBM Software Support website.

The technote related to this iFix for Telecom Web Services Server, Version 7.2.0 is available here.

As limitations and problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Software Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems that you experience. The following link launches a customized query of the live Support knowledge base. To create your own query, go to the Advanced search page.


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