1. Ifix dependencies: Process Center: a) Pre-requisites: Direct Pre-requisites: JR42280 Indirect Pre-requisites: JR42280 pre-requisites JR42012 b) Supercedes: NA Process Server: a) Pre-requisites: Direct Pre-requisites: JR42280 Indirect Pre-requisites: JR42280 pre-requisites JR42012 b) Supercedes: NA Process Designer: JR42280 2. Interim fix Installation Manager Install Order: Process Center: JR42012 JR42280 JR42697 Process Server: JR42012 JR42280 JR42697 Process Designer: JR42280 JR42697 3. Interim fix Installation Manager Install Instructions: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21417656 4. Post Installation Manager Install Instructions: (these need to be run once after all the fixes have been installed using Installation Manager.) 4.1. Run bpmprofileupgrade on PC/PS: For Standalone: Backup the stand-alone profile using the backupConfig command. Run the backupConfig command from the profile_root/bin directory. On Linux and UNIX, the syntax is backupConfig.sh backup_file_name -profileName On Windows, the syntax is backupConfig.bat backup_file_name -profileName Change directories to for the profile you wish to update and run one of the following commands as appropriate for your platform: Windows: bin\ws_ant.bat -f util\BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName -Dupgrade=true Linux/Unix: bin/ws_ant.sh -f util/BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName -Dupgrade=true Where is the name of the stand-alone profile. For Clusters: Backup the deployment manager profile using the backupConfig command. Run the backupConfig command from the profile_root/bin directory. On Linux and UNIX, the syntax is backupConfig.sh -profileName On Windows, the syntax is backupConfig.bat -profileName Depending on the platform, run one of the following commands for each cluster: Windows For English locales: bin\ws_ant.bat -f util\BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName -Dupgrade=true -Dcluster= For non-English locales: bin\ws_ant.bat -f util\BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName -Dupgrade=true "-Dcluster=" Linux Unix bin/ws_ant.sh -f util/BPMProfileUpgrade.ant -profileName -Dupgrade=true -Dcluster= where is the name of the deployment manager profile and is the name of the cluster. 4.2. Update Database: Backup the BPM and Performance Data Warehouse databases. (This is Mandatory) Run the upgrade_7x command to update the database by following step one in this section: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v7r5m1/topic/com.ibm.wbpm.imuc.doc/upgrade/topic/upgrading_existing_dbs_751.html 5. Post Install instructions: (before starting servers) This fix introduces a new cache for the WSDL objects that can be adjusted by adding a [Integer] element as a child of element of the element. - Copy the following XML from below and add it to the 100Custom.xml under tag: 100Custom location: Standalone Profiles: Profile_home\config\cells\<~cellname~>\nodes\<~nodename~>\servers\<~servername~>\<~process-center/server~>\config\100Custom.xml Clusters: DMGR_home\config\cells\<~cellname~>\nodes\<~nodename~>\servers\<~servername~>\<~process-center/server~>\config\100Custom.xml (After making the changes to 100Custom.xml in the DMGR profile, make sure the changes get carried to the nodes by doing a force synchronize and restarting the DMGR) xml snippet to copy to 100Custom.xml: [REPLACE_WITH_Integer] (replace the place-holder with a suitable number) NOTE: please open the xml file in a browser after saving it- to make sure there are no special characters in it. NOTE: ANY POST INSTALL MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS FROM PRE-REQUISITE FIXES (e.g. changing xml files like above) ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS INSTALL README. THOSE NEED TO BE DONE BY FOLLOWING THE APAR README TEXT OF THAT PRE-REQUISITE. 6. Uninstall Instructions: a) Stop all servers b) Backup the BPM and Performance Data Warehouse databases. c) Uninstall runtime interim fix and pre requisite packages using IBM Installation Manager. Prerequisite fixes and other fixes in the installation order can be uninstalled at the same time as the interim fix. Note that some of the pre-requisite fixes have runtime as well as process designer fix packages. Process Designer fix packages will also need to be uninstalled if server packages are being uninstalled. d) Optional: Run only if Profile upgrade was run in "4. Post Installation Manager Install Instructions". If the profile was backed up using the backupConfig command, then use the restoreConfig command to restore the stand-alone profile or all profiles in a network deployment environment. The "restoreConfig" command can be used to restore a profile. See the following documentation section: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v7r0/topic/com.ibm.websphere.nd.multiplatform.doc/info/ae/ae/rxml_restoreconfig.html If the backupConfig command was not used then run the BPMProfileUpgrade command to restore applications (but not configuration files changes, if the interim fix changed configuration files) to their prior state. - For a stand-alone environment, follow step two in this section: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v7r5m1/topic/com.ibm.wbpm.imuc.doc/topics/tmig_upgrading_bpm_errors.html - For a network deployment environment, follow step three in this section for each cluster: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v7r5m1/topic/com.ibm.wbpm.imuc.doc/topics/tmig_upgrading_bpm_nd_clusters.html e) Optional: Run only if upgrade_7x was run in "4. Post Installation Manager Install Instructions". Run the upgrade_7x command to update the database with the reverted artifacts by following step one in this section: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v7r5m1/topic/com.ibm.wbpm.imuc.doc/upgrade/topic/upgrading_existing_dbs_751.html f) Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment.