============================================================================== ============================================================================== Licensed materials - Property of IBM 5724-D96 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2012 All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== README for IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Business Integration for Financial Networks for Multiplatforms V3.1.1 Messaging Services for SWIFTNet InterAct and FileAct PTF UK80139 for APAR PM66575 Driver level: 2313 = Date 2012-08-15 = ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Table of contents ----------------- A About this document B Summary of changes C Planning D Preparation E Activating F APAR details G Other changes A. About this document ---------------------- Only the online version of this readme document is current. Before you install the corresponding PTF, download the latest version from: http://www.ibm.com/software/integration/wbifn/support Download the latest version of the WebSphere BI for FN product documentation from: http://www.ibm.com/software/integration/wbifn/library The structure of WebSphere BI for FN readme documents is identical for all PTFs. Sections that are not applicable are left blank. If you install more than one PTF at a time, combine the readme documents by merging the contents of each section. The installation of this PTF is done in two phases: 1. Preparation - During this phase your system can continue to process messages as usual. 2. Activation - During this phase your system cannot process messages. This readme document uses the following variables: The installation directory of WebSphere BI for FN. The directory /opt/IBM is used in examples. The customization directory. The directory /var/dniv311/cus is used in examples. The deployment directory. The directory /var/dniv311/cus/depdata is used in examples. The name of the WebSphere BI for FN instance. The name INST1 is used in examples. The name of the organizational unit. Depending on the context, this might be SYSOU, DNFSYSOU, or the name of a business OU. The names of users, groups, files, and directories are the same as those used in WebSphere BI for FN for Multiplatforms Planning, Installation, and Customization, SH12-6942. If you use different names, use those names instead of the names shown here. B. Summary of changes --------------------- APARs addressed by this PTF: PM66575 MSIF Provide SWIFTDateTime (or equivalent information) in the MSIF API PM64672 MSIF COM -OU SYSOU WAS MISSING WHILE RECUSTOMIZE TO ADD A MSIF SVB PM65988 MSIF MSIF RESPONSE INCORRECT IF AN INTERACT SNF MESSAGE IS RECEIVED PM66566 MSIF NOT RETRY FILE TRANSFER WHEN MQ CHANNEL IS BROKEN WITH 2009 ERROR PM66576 MSIF Received FSM event could not be associated with a scenario PM68736 MSIF CANCELLATION OF THE MSIF TRANSFER FAILS AND THE TRANSFER REMAINS IN THE SENDING WINDOW PM68488 MSIF PERFORM LFT RETRY IN CASE OF AN MQ 2009 FOR THE GETFILEQ PM69711 MSIF ALTHOUGH ALLOW DUPLICATE IS NOT SET, THE MESSAGE IS PASSED TO THE APPLICATION Additional functional changes: - none Documentation updates: The following manuals have been changed: - Application Programming - Concepts and Components - System Administration - Messages and Codes The following modules have been changed: /dnfv311/run/jplugin/dnfco.jar /dnfv311/run/msg/dnfcomsg.cat /dnfv311/run/res/dnfcomsg.xml /dnfv311/admin/data/DNFEFAS.xml C. Planning ----------- Before installing a new PTF, ensure that: - All previously prepared deployment instructions have been carried out. - All previous CDD changes have been implemented using the CDP. - All configuration administration changes have been deployed. To check this, enter the following commands: dnicli -s DNI_SYSADM -ou SYSOU > list -ou % -qo amorz > list -cos % -qo amorz > list -ct % -qo amorz Each list command should result in 'No [OU/COS/CT] match search criteria'. - All security administration changes have been approved. To check this, enter the following commands for each OU: dnicli -s DNI_SECADM -ou > list -ro % -qo mor [only for SYSOU] > list -user % -qo mor Each list command should result in 'No roles found that match specified criteria'. Customization changes other than those described in a PTF readme document are not allowed during PTF installation. Prerequisite and supersede information: This PTF requires the following PTFs: - UK79973 for APAR PM37343 (Base, MANDATORY BASE PTF FOR BROKER 7 SUPPORT) - UK75850 for APAR PM51780 (MSIF, WRONG STATE OF A SNF-QUEUE AFTER A BROKEN CONNECTION TO SAG) Roles involved: The activities in this PTF involve the following roles: - Installer (root) - Customizer (ucust1) - WebSphere MB administrator (uwmba1) - First WebSphere BI for FN system configuration administrator (sa1) - Second WebSphere BI for FN system configuration administrator (sa2) D. Preparation -------------- D1. Installation ---------------- 1. Stop all sessions and services, for example: - Stop all applications that send requests to WebSphere BI for FN. - Log out SIPN FIN LTs. - Close MSIF SnF input and output channels. - Release SWIFTNet SnF queues. - Stop the MSIF Message Transfer service. - Stop the Enhanced InterAct service. - Close all dnicli sessions. 2. Stop all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers. 3. Install this PTF using IAW based on the chapter "Installing WebSphere BI for FN" in WebSphere BI for FN for Multiplatforms Planning, Installation, and Customization, SH12-6942. Please be aware of the directory containing the installation data for this PTF has changed compared to the directory documented in this chapter, use the path Disk1/InstData/NoVM instead of Disk1/InstData/VM. 4. Share the files in the /dnfv311/admin directory with your customization system. 5. Ensure that the group ownership of the /dnfv311/admin directory and all of its subdirectories and files, is set to group dniadmin. To do this, enter the following command in AIX: chgrp -R dniadmin /dnfv311/admin 6. Share the files in the /dnfv311/run directory with your runtime systems. These files are already needed during the preparation phase and do not influence normal operation. 7. Set the group ownership of these directories and files to group dnilpp. To do this, enter the following command in AIX: chgrp -R dnilpp /dnfv311/run D2. Steps on a customization system ----------------------------------- To update your current definition directory and the customized administrative scripts, and to create deployment instructions and vehicles: 1. Log on to AIX on the customization system as a customizer (ucust1). 2. Change to the customization directory: cd 3. Run your customization profile: . ./dnicus_ 4. Start the CDP in migration mode and use the following commands to migrate customization data: dnicdpm -i > export cdd/_UK80139.cdd > import cdd/_UK80139.cdd > prepare This step updates the customized administrative scripts in the directory '//admin'. 5. Implement the customization definition data and quit the CDP session: > implement When the message "DNIZ9013I: Current Definition file already exists." is displayed enter 'y' to continue. > quit D3. Generating configuration data migration scripts --------------------------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. D4. Manually customize updated BAR files when not using the BAP to deploy them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOT APPLICABLE. D4.1. Customize BAR files without connection to the configuration manager - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE. D4.2. Customize BAR files with connection to the configuration manager - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Preparation * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* E. Activating ------------- E1. Stopping all sessions and services you use ---------------------------------------------- Stop all sessions and services, for example: - Stop all applications that send requests to WebSphere BI for FN. - Log out SIPN FIN LTs. - Close MSIF SnF input and output channels. - Release SWIFTNet SnF queues. - Stop the MSIF Message Transfer service. - Stop the Enhanced InterAct service. - Close all dnicli sessions. For further information, see "Administering and operating components, sessions, and services" in "WebSphere BI for FN for Multiplatforms: System Administration". E2. Stopping all application servers ------------------------------------ NOT APPLICABLE. E3. Stopping all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers ---------------------------------------------------- Stop all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers. E4. Sharing the runtime directory structure ------------------------------------------- 1. Share the files in the /dnfv311/run directory with the runtime systems. 2. Set the group ownership of these directories and files to group dnilpp. To do this, enter the following command in AIX: chgrp -R dnilpp /dnfv311/run E5. Backing up configuration and security data in image copies -------------------------------------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. E6. Following the deployment instructions created in step D2.4 -------------------------------------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. E7. Additional activities ------------------------- E7.1. DB2 related activities ---------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. E8. Restarting all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers ------------------------------------------------------ Restart all WebSphere BI for FN message brokers. E9. Redeploy updated BAR files ------------------------------ NOT APPLICABLE. E9.1. Deploying the BAR files customized in step D4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE. E9.2. Updating BAR files when step De has not been performed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE. E9.3. Activating WebSphere BI for FN accounting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT APPLICABLE. E10. Migrating configuration data --------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. E11. Updating the WebSphere BI for FN enterprise application ------------------------------------------------------------ NOT APPLICABLE. E12. Restarting all sessions and services ----------------------------------------- Restart all of the sessions and services that you use. How to do this depends on which WebSphere BI for FN features you use. For example: - Log in SIPN FIN LTs. - Subscribe MSIF to SAGs to enable file transfer and session monitoring. - Start the MSIF Message Transfer service. - Start the Enhanced InterAct service. - Acquire SWIFTNet SnF queues. - Open MSIF SnF input and output channels. - Start the applications that send requests to WebSphere BI for FN. For further information, see "Administering and operating components, sessions, and services" in "WebSphere BI for FN for Multiplatforms: System Administration". E13. Updating the Toolkit development environment ------------------------------------------------- NOT APPLICABLE. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* * End of Activating * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* F. APAR details --------------- Fixes for the following APARs are contained in this PTF: PM66575 MSIF PROVIDE SWIFTDATETIME (OR EQUIVALENT INFORMATION) IN THE MSIF API Formerly, within the old DFAS feature, the field SWIFTDateTime was available via the FTA Param File. The API of the MSIF feature, which needs to be used to substitute DFAS, does not contain any equivalent information. Now, Function.DNF_O_FT.FileReceived.Notification.ReceiveDetails field in the ComIbmDni folder contains a timestamp. It corresponds to the Sw:SwiftTime in the Sw:HandleFileRequest of the incoming SWIFT request. PM64672 MSIF COM -OU SYSOU WAS MISSING WHILE RECUSTOMIZE TO ADD A MSIF SVB Formerly, if you recustomized your instance adding the service bundle DNFEFAS (MSIF service) the cli-deployment data failed to commit the system OU SYSOU. Now, the commit step is added to the deployment data. PM65988 MSIF MSIF RESPONSE INCORRECT IF AN INTERACT SNF MESSAGE IS RECEIVED WITH PDM - PROBLEM OCCURS AFTER APPLY UK77351 Formerly, when the MSIF service received from an SAG an InterAct SnF request with PDM information, then in some cases the MSIF service returned an invalid SnF response to the SAG. This caused SWIFT to resend the same SnF request with further PDM information. This error situation continued until the SnF request was regarded as non-deliverable, so the sender of the SnF request received a notification with a non-deliverable warning. Now, the MSIF service returns a correct SnF response to the SAG. PM66566 MSIF NOT RETRY FILE TRANSFER WHEN MQ CHANNEL IS BROKEN WITH 2009 ERROR This fix applies to FileAct send scenarios using local file transfer (LFT). Formerly, when the MSIF service received from an SAG an LFT response with error code 2009 ("Connection to queue manager lost"), then the MSIF service did not retry the LFT processing on the same SAG but immediately tried to switch to another SAG. If only one SAG was configured, then the file transfer immediately went into condition inError, before it could have been recovered manually. Such an error situation can occure if the network connection between WebSphere BI for FN and the SAG is temporarily broken. Now, in such an error situation the MSIF service regards the attribute LftMaxRetryCount in the option set DnfEfaSagCommOptionSet, and dependent on the value of this attribute, automatically retries the LFT processing on the same SAG. PM66576 MSIF Received FSM event could not be associated with a scenario Formerly, when downloading a file and the file download was already processed, an error event appeared: 'DNFO1027E Received FSM event could not be associated with a scenario'. The error message was confusing for the user and it was introduced lately due to faster cleanup processing. The error itself had no impact and could be ignored. Now, when downloading a file such error does no longer appear. PM68736 MSIF CANCELLATION OF THE MSIF TRANSFER FAILS AND THE TRANSFER REMAINS IN THE SENDING WINDOW MSIF maintains for FileAct transfers an internal sending window to guarantee the maximum number of 30 ongoing transfers in parallel. Formerly, in case this sending window was full, and one of the transfers in the sending window was cancelled, then it was possible that the cancellation of a FileAct transfer failed and the transfer remained in the sending window. Now, the cancellation of the FileAct transfer always succeed, and the transfer is removed from the sending window. PM68488 MSIF PERFORM LFT RETRY IN CASE OF AN MQ 2009 FOR THE GETFILEQ This fix applies to FileAct receive scenarios using local file transfer (LFT). Formerly, when the MSIF service received from an SAG an LFT response with error code 2009 ("Connection to queue manager lost"), then the MSIF service did not retry the LFT processing on the same SAG but the file transfer immediately went into condition inError, before it could have been recovered manually. Such an error situation can occure if the network connection between WebSphere BI for FN and the SAG is temporarily broken. Now, in such an error situation the MSIF service regards the attribute LftMaxRetryCount in the option set DnfEfaSagCommOptionSet, and dependent on the value of this attribute, automatically retries the LFT processing on the same SAG. PM69711 MSIF ALTHOUGH ALLOW DUPLICATE IS NOT SET, THE MESSAGE IS PASSED TO THE APPLICATION Formerly, when flexible response mode is active in a MSG+RCV scenario (that means: the ApprequestQueue is set in the MsgReceiveOptionSet) the attribute AllowDuplicates of the MsgReceiveOptions was ignored in all cases. However, in SnF mode there is nothing like a 'flexible response mode', it's always in 'automatic response mode'. But even in SnF mode the 'AllowDuplicates' flag was ignored as soon as the 'AppReqQueue' was configured. Now, when in SnF mode in a MSG+RCV scenario, the 'AllowDuplicates' attribute is considered even if the attribute 'AppReqQueue' is set in the MsgReceiveOptions. Note that the 'AppReqQueue' attribute doesn't really make sense in SnF mode and is therefore ignored. G. Other changes ---------------- - Message updates: * New event message: DNFO3922E * New response message: DNFO0084E * Updated response message: DNFO0098E * Updated event message: DNFO0097I * Updated event message: DNFO1015E ++++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End +++ End ++++