1) Unzip the provided update zip file. Remember the directory. 2) Shutdown WebSphere Process Server. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 3) Use instructions found here to install the ifixes http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v7r0mx/topic/com.ibm.websphere.wps.doc/doc/iins_installing_fixes.html 4) Start all the servers 5) Go to the install profile location \bin directory and run the following command wsadmin -f ..\util\Recovery\RecoveryAppUpgrade.jacl 6) Restart WebSphere Process Server. (may not be necessary, but a good idea regardless) Directions to remove fix: NOTE: FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE REVERSE ORDER IN WHICH THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. Example: If your system has fix1, fix2, and fix3 applied in that order and fix2 is to be removed, fix3 must be removed first, then fix2 may be removed 1) Shutdown WebSphere Process Server. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 2) Use instructions found here to uninstall the ifixes http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v7r0mx/topic/com.ibm.websphere.wps.doc/doc/iins_installing_fixes.html 3) Start all the servers 4) Go to the install profile location \bin directory and run the following command wsadmin -f ..\util\Recovery\RecoveryAppUpgrade.jacl 5) Restart WebSphere Process Server.