JR44853 Business Space interim fix usage information, dependency information, and installation instructions: configBSpaceTransport.py Script usage information for an IBM Business Process Manager multi-cluster network deployment topology The configBSpaceTransport.py script has been modified so it will run in a multi-cluster network deployment topology that supports IBM Business Process Manager. This modification added a new -bspaceClusterName parameter that is specified when running the script, as noted in the following instructions. 1. Locate the configBSpaceTransport.py script in \BusinessSpace\scripts 2. Run the configBSpaceTransport.py script to update the cluster where the IBM_BPM_Portal application is deployed. A. In a network deployment environment, run wsadmin from the deployment manager profile. B. Enter the following command: wsadmin -lang jython -user -password -f configBSpaceTransport.py -allowhttp (OR -httpsonly) -clusterName -bspaceClusterName 3. Run the configBSpaceTransport.py script a second time to update the cluster where the BSpaceEAR application is deployed. A. In a network deployment environment, run wsadmin from the deployment manager profile. B. Enter the following command: wsadmin -lang jython -user -password -f configBSpaceTransport.py -allowhttp (OR -httpsonly) -clusterName Parameter notes: -Specify -allowhttp (to allow both HTTP and HTTPS) or -httpsonly (HTTP will always be redirected to HTTPS). -The -clusterName parameter should be set to the name of the cluster that is being updated for the current invocation of the configBSpaceTransport.py script. -The -bspaceClusterName parameter should be specified in addition to the -clusterName parameter when two conditions apply. First, the IBM_BPM_Portal and BSpaceEAR applications are deployed to different clusters. Second, the cluster with the IBM_BPM_Portal application is being updated. The -bspaceClusterName parameter should be set to the name of the cluster where the BSpaceEAR application is deployed. configBSpaceTransport.py Script usage information for IBM Business Process Manager single cluster or stand-alone server environments Script usage information remains unchanged for IBM Business Process Manager single cluster or stand-alone server environments. Refer to the existing "Designating HTTP or HTTPS settings for Process Portal" documentation section (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v8r0m1/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.wbpm.admin.doc/topics/tcfg_bsp_sec_https.html). configBSpaceTransport.py Script usage information for non-IBM Business Process Manager environments Script usage information remains unchanged for products other than IBM Business Process Manager which use the configBSpaceTransport.py script. Dependency Information Prerequisite APARs: None Superseded APARs: None Installation Instructions 1. Install the interim fix package using IBM Installation Manager. Please refer to the following technote for instructions: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21417656 There are no additional steps after installing the interim fix package using IBM Installation Manager. Uninstall Instructions 1. Stop all servers. 2. Uninstall the JR44853 interim fix using IBM Installation Manager.