1. Interim Fix Applicability IBM Integratin Designer (IID) 2. Interim Fix Dependencies: None 3. Interim Fix IM (Installation Manager) Install Order: Client(IID): JR45329 4. Installation Manager (IM) Install instructions 1. Download the IM fix package repository 2. See instructions at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21417656 5. Interim Fix Post IM Install Instructions: 1. Navigate to the IID Package Group Installation Directory. 2. Back-up the commons-httpclient-3.1-rc1.jar under runtimes\base_stub\web2fep\optionalLibraries\Feed\dependencies and runtimes\base_stub\web2fep\optionalLibraries\Feed\dependencies 3. Locate the extracted fix package directory downloaded above 4. Copy runtimes and all its contents to the IID Package Group Installation Directory. If you are asked to replace files, confirm that those files will be replaced. They have been backed up in step 2. 6. Interim Fix Un-install instructions 1. Un-install JR45329 from IID via IM 2. Replace the backed up commons-httpclient-3.1-rc1.jar files.