IBM Integrated Information Core 1.5 | Software Interim Fix | APAR JR45184

About this readme file

This readme provides information about the patch available in this interim fix.

Included in this interim fix

This APAR JR45184 for IBM Integrated Information Core V1.5 fixes issues with/enhances the following functionality:

Known Issues



Prerequisites for Microsoft Windows® operating systems


Installation procedure for Microsoft Windows operating systems

  1. Download in a directory C:\IICApars on the deployment manager
  2. Unpack the .zip files in the above mentioned directory. The .zip file contains these files:
  3. Copy the IBM_Integrated_Information_Core.JR45184.fxtag file to the IIFClusterSharedDirArtifacts/fixtags directory. Create one if it does not exist.
  4. Download in a directory C:\IICApars on the deployment manager
  5. Manually update the iic_solutionStudio.ear file using the WAS Administration Console after backing up the installed iic_solutionStudio.ear. Using the fast install, select 'use existing bindings' on the 'Specify bindings to use' option:


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IBM Integrated Information Core V1.5.0 is an registered IBM product.

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