IBM ILOG Optimization Solutions Accelerator IBM ILOG Optimization Solutions Accelerator provides components that allow the execution and customization of IBM Industry Optimization Solutions developed with IBM ILOG ODM Enterprise V3.7.0.1. IBM ILOG Optimization Solutions Accelerator consists of two editions: the "Client Edition" and the "Server Edition". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBM ILOG Optimization Solutions Accelerator Client Edition V3.7.0.1 The client edition consists of the following components: 1. Advanced Interactive Gantt This Visualization component provides an abstract ODM custom Gantt view that greatly reduces the effort required to build interactive scheduling applications. This component extends the Gantt component provided by ODM Enterprise to add some features not found in the ODM Enterprise Gantt component. This component is built using IBM ILOG JViews Gantt delivered with ODM Enterprise V3.7 and can be extended using the APIs from the Solutions Accelerator and JViews. 2. ODM View Utilities This component provides a set of utilities to support the execution of custom views provided in the IBM Industry Optimization Solutions, particularly filtered aggregated Chart Views. 3. Data Exchange This component provides the capability to define and orchestrate advanced data import/export jobs between ODM and external components. It requires IBM DB2 V9 or V10 (including IBM DB2 Express-C V9 or V10). 4. SPSS Modeler Connector This component provides the capability to execute ODM Enterprise custom tasks based on SPSS Modeler Streams. The component requires IBM SPSS Modeler Client 14.2 or later or IBM SPSS Modeler Server 14.2 and IBM SPSS Modeler Batch 14.2, or later versions. 5. Support for Microsoft Excel Scenario Source This component provides the capability to load Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into an ODM Enterprise Scenario or to export ODM Enterprise Scenario tables to Microsoft Excel. The component uses a structural pattern based on the ODM Data Table Schema to load or export the Excel data. This component requires Apache POI version 3.9, which can be downloaded here: The following POI libraries need to be copied to the lib/external folder of the Solutions Accelerator Client Edition installation directory: * poi-3.9-20121203.jar * poi-ooxml-3.9-20121203.jar * poi-ooxml-schemas-3.9-20121203.jar * xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar 6. Custom ODM/OPL Mapping This component provides the capability to connect pre-existing OPL models with ODM Enterprise Data Services. The component includes a custom plug-in for the ODM Enterprise Developer Edition IDE and a runtime to interpret the custom mapping. 7. ODM Enterprise Customization Utilities This component provides a set of utility classes that help with the customization of an ODM Enterprise application. The libraries for the Client Edition can be found here: |/ODME37/SolutionClient/lib| The Java Reference Manual for the Client Edition can be found here: |/ODME37/SolutionClient/doc/html/en-US/refjava/html/index.html| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Started Using the Gantt Component The Gantt component is an abstract base class that implements a custom view for an ODM Enterprise application. It makes it possible to display resources and activities in a Gantt custom view and provides application-specific actions, styles, and interactions in the Gantt component. 1. Deriving the Gantt view. Each Gantt custom view must derive the class |GanttView| . The Gantt view must be declared in the |views.odmvw| file. An example is shown below (note that the "id" and the "prefix" must be identical): 2. Configuring the Gantt view. Some basic configuration of the Gantt view is possible using the || application file. An example properties file can be found here . Using the ODM-OPL Custom Mapping Editor ODM Enterprise applications generated from the Industry Optimization Solutions Asset Portal rely on a specific logic to manage the mapping between the Application Data Model and OPL models. The motivation for this specific logic is to deal with situations where the development of the input and output OPL element data structures is not driven by the Application Data Model format (as is the case with the standard ODM Enterprise workflow when creating a project). There are cases in which high quality OPL models already exist for solving a problem. The Application Data Model for this problem would be focused on a business-oriented representation, which may differ significantly from the OPL data models: * Additional information that is irrelevant for optimization may be added. * The definition of primary keys may be different in the Application Data Model and OPL models. The Application Data Model contains all the entities that are required to populate the input data structures of the OPL models and to retrieve data elements as output. The new mapping logic is used to connect pre-existing OPL models with Application Data Models. A new type of file, identified with the |.cpsodmopl| extension, has been added to ODM Enterprise projects in order to support this new mapping logic. The ODM-OPL Custom Mapping Editor is available to open and edit the content of these new mapping |.cpsodmopl| files. Once you have installed the IBM ILOG Optimization Solutions Accelerator, the user documentation for the ODM-OPL Custom Mapping Editor is accessible from the Help menu of the IBM ILOG ODM Enterprise IDE. Executing SPSS Modeler tasks The SPSS Modeler connector provided in the Solutions Accelerator Client Edition makes it possible to execute custom tasks running with IBM SPSS Modeler locally using the ODM Enterprise Planner edition or partially remotely using IBM SPSS Modeler server. SPSS Modeler tasks are configured the same way whether they run locally using ODM Enterprise Planner, partially remotely with IBM SPSS Modeler server, or fully remotely using IBM ILOG Optimization Server (see IBM ILOG Optimization Solutions Accelerator Server Edition). An SPSS Modeler task covers these typical activities: * Export ODM scenario data to an SPSS Modeler stream. For example, map tables of an ODM scenario to a |.csv| file used as input by an SPSS Modeler stream and map values of ODM parameter tables to parameters of the stream. * Configure, run, and control SPSS Modeler Batch execution. * Import SPSS Modeler stream output files to ODM scenario tables. * Notify end users of task progress and log details in case of configuration or execution errors. The SPSS Modeler connector uses the SPSS Modeler Batch executable (|clemb.exe|) to execute the SPSS Modeler tasks. This executable is provided in SPSS Modeler Client and as a separate module SPSS Modeler Batch of SPSS Modeler Server. For documentation on SPSS Modeler task configuration and execution see the package |/ODME37/SolutionServer/doc/html/com/ibm/optx/shared/datax/spss/package-summary.html| For documentation on ODM to SPSS Modeler stream mapping see the package |/ODME37/SolutionServer/doc/html/com/ibm/optx/shared/datax/config/package-summary.html| Using Microsoft Excel Scenario Source A custom Excel data source is provided to import data in an ODM Enterprise Scenario, using a structural pattern that is based on the ODM Data Table Schema. The custom data source must be defined in the |.odmds| configuration file as shown below: The |initargs| section of the |customSource| is used to configure values in the Parameters table of the scenario.