JR49490 WebSphere Process Server interim fix dependency information and installation instructions: 1. Purpose of the JR49490 interim fix ===================================== JR49490 provides event routing compatibility with IBM Business Monitor version 8.5.5. After installing this interim fix, events can be emitted from WebSphere Process Server version to IBM Business Monitor version 8.5.5. 2. Interim fix dependencies =========================== Prerequisite APARs: None Superseded APARs: None 3. Interim fix installation order (Installation Manager) ======================================================== JR49490 4. Interim Fix installation instructions ======================================== a. Stop the WebSphere Process Server stand-alone server or network deployment environment. b. Install JR49490 using steps that are documented in http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21417656. Note that the interim fix must be installed for every WebSphere Process Server installation that supports a network deployment environment. c. For each profile that is part of the environment, navigate to the /bin directory and run the following command so that updated plugin files are recognized. Linux or UNIX: osgiCfgInit.sh Windows: osgiCfgInit.bat d. Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. 5. Uninstall instructions ========================= a. Stop the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. b. Using IBM Installation Manager, uninstall JR49490. c. Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment.