Fix (APAR): IV66142 Status: Fix Product: WebSphere Process Server Release: Operating System: All operating systems Supersedes Fixes: Pre-requisite Fixes: Exclusive-requisite Fixes: Defect: IV66142 Date: 2014-12-17 Abstract: Child BPEL business process instances get incorrectly archived. Problem Description: When you use the Business Process Archive Manager, you cannot archive a process instance that has the same process name as another process instance in the archive. This restriction is documented in "Archiving completed process and task instances" ( Determining the process instances to archive is done in batches (according to slice size). If all of the top level process instances of a slice encounter this restriction, and there is more than one slice within the overall limit, then child processes instances may get incorrectly archived. Problem Summary: Parent process instances and their corresponding child process instances are archived together in batches (according to slice size). If none of the parent process instances in a single slice can be archived because of name duplication in the archive database, the query to retrieve the corresponding child process instances erroneously returns too many results. Problem Conclusion: A fix is available for IBM BPM V7.0.0.5 that stops the current slice processing when all top-level process instances of the slice have process instances with the same name in the archive. On Fix Central (, search for IV66142: 1. Select IBM Business Process Manager with your edition from the product selector, the installed version to the fix pack level, and your platform, and then click Continue. 2. Select APAR or SPR, enter IV66142, and click Continue. When you download fix packages, ensure that you also download the readme file for each fix. Review each readme file for additional installation instructions and information about the fix. NOTE: IBM Installation Manager is required to install this interim.fix (1.4.1 or later recommended). For further details see: NOTE: This interim fix is applicable to both a full WPS installation as well as a WPS client installation. Directions to apply fix: 1) Shutdown WebSphere. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 2) Extract the .zip file to a directory. For example, extract to C:\temp. 3) Add the fix pack repository location in IBM Installation Manager: a. Start IBM Installation Manager. b. In Installation Manager, click File > Preferences > Repositories. c. Click Add Repository. d. Browse to or enter the file path to the repository.config file. The repository.config file is located in the directory where you extracted the compressed files. For example, enter C:\temp\repository.config, and then click OK. 4) On the main page of the Installation Manager, click Update. 5) Restart WebSphere Directions to remove fix: NOTE: FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE REVERSE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. Example: If your system has fix1, fix2, and fix3 applied in that order and fix2 is to be removed, fix3 must be removed first, then fix2 may be removed 1) Shutdown WebSphere. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before uninstalling the fix. 2) Start IBM Installation Manager. 3) On the main page of the Installation Manager, click Uninstall. 4) Select the package to uninstall and follow the prompts on screen. 5) Restart WebSphere Directions to re-apply fix: 1) Shutdown WebSphere. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 2) Extract the .zip file to a directory. For example, extract to C:\temp. 3) Add the fix pack repository location in IBM Installation Manager: a. Start IBM Installation Manager. b. In Installation Manager, click File > Preferences > Repositories. c. Click Add Repository. d. Browse to or enter the file path to the repository.config file. The repository.config file is located in the directory where you extracted the compressed files. For example, enter C:\temp\repository.config, and then click OK. 4) On the main page of the Installation Manager, click Update. 5) Restart WebSphere. Additional Information: