Problem: MASHUPS PROXY CAN BE EXPLOITED TO DETECT SERVERS BEHIND A FIREWALL Fixed by: Interim Fix JR51177 1. Interim fix dependencies =========================== - Prerequisites: None - Supersedes: none 2. Interim fix installation order (Installation Manager) ======================================================== JR51177 (repository name 3. Interim Fix Installation instructions ======================================== a. Stop the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. b. For each physical installation (of Business Process Manager, Business Monitor, or stand-alone Business Space) in the environment, perform the following steps: i. Download ii. Unzip to a temporary directory and point Installation Manager to the repository in the temporary directory. Install the interim fix using instructions at 4. Post Installation Manager install instructions ================================================= Clear the OSGI cache using the osgiCfgInit.bat/.sh -all command and clear the Class cache by using the clearClassCache.bat/.sh command. This needs to be performed once on each install location, typically on each node. Restart servers. 5. Uninstall Instructions ========================= a. Stop the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. b. For each physical installation (of Business Process Manager, Business Monitor, or stand-alone Business Space) in the environment, uninstall the JR51177 interim fix using Installation Manager. c. Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. d. Clear the OSGI and Class cache as per step 4 above. Restart servers.