JR53038 IBM Integration Designer interim fix dependency information and installation instructions: 1. Interim fix applicability: ============================== The JR53038 interim fix applies to IBM Integration Designer 2. Interim fix dependencies: ============================ Prerequisite APARs: None Superseded APARs: None 3. Interim fix IBM Installation Manager install order: ====================================================== JR53038 ( 4. Interim fix Installation Manager install instructions: ========================================================= The following technote includes detailed instructions for installing an interim fix using Installation Manager: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21417656 5. Post-installation instructions ================================= Before you start the servers, complete the following steps. 5.1 Create a new workspace. A new workspace needs to be created after the iFix is installed, as the runtimes are persisted at workspace creation time, and their internal properties cannot be changed (this is the way the framework we plug into works). The user's projects can easily be copied from one workspace to another by performing a File --> Import --> General --> Existing Projects into Workspace. 5.2 If the user is targeting the runtime stub (not a UTE or real server), then two further actions must be performed: a. Delete the file '\runtimes\bi_v85_stub\properties\sdk\1.6_32.properties' b. Unzip the file '' into the same directory (\runtimes\bi_v85_stub\properties\sdk). This will place four files in the directory: 1.6_64.properties 1.7_64.properties cmdDefaultSDK.properties newProfileDefaultSDK.properties 6. Uninstall instructions: ========================== 6.1 The following technote includes detailed instructions for installing an interim fix using Installation Manager: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21417656 6.2 Undo or redo post-installation instructions from section 5.