Fix (APAR): JR52905 Status: Fix Product: IBM Business Monitor (WBM) Release: Operating System: All operating systems Supersedes Fixes: Pre-requisite Fixes: Exclusive-requisite Fixes: Defect: JR52905 Date: 2015-04-27 Abstract: System applications do not upgrade successfully on Windows Problem Description: When you upgrade the IBM Business Monitor profile on Microsoft Windows, the system applications do not upgrade successfully. Problem Summary: No additional information is available. Problem Conclusion: A fix is available for IBM Business Monitor V8.5.6.0 that ensures the system applications are upgraded successfully when you upgrade the Business Monitor profile on Windows. To apply the fix, complete the following steps: 1. Shut down IBM Business Monitor by performing a controlled and complete shutdown of the Monitor server to ensure that all transactions have completed. 2. Extract the .zip file to a directory. For example, extract the .zip file to \temp. 3. Add the fix pack repository location in IBM Installation Manager: a. Start IBM Installation Manager. b. Click File > Preferences > Repositories. c. Click Add Repository. d. Browse to or enter the file path to the repository.config file. The repository.config file is located in the directory where you extracted the compressed files. For example, enter \temp\repository.config. Click OK. 4. On the main page of the Installation Manager, click Update. 5. Restart IBM Business Monitor. To remove a fix, complete the following steps: IMPORTANT: Remove all fixes in the reverse order that they were applied. Do not remove a fix unless all fixes applied after it have first been removed. You may reapply any removed fix. Example: If your system has fix1, fix2, and fix3 applied in that order and fix2 is to be removed, fix3 must be removed first, and then fix2 may be removed. 1. Shut down IBM Business Monitor by performing a controlled and complete shutdown of the Monitor server to ensure that all transactions have completed. 2. Start IBM Installation Manager. 3. On the main page of the Installation Manager, click Uninstall. 4. Select the option to uninstall the product and follow the prompts on screen. 5. Restart IBM Business Monitor. To re-apply a fix, complete the following steps: 1. Shut down IBM Business Monitor by performing a controlled and complete shutdown of the Monitor server to ensure that all transactions have completed. 2. Extract the .zip file to a directory. For example, extract the .zip file to \temp. 3. Add the fix pack repository location in IBM Installation Manager: a. Start IBM Installation Manager. b. Click File > Preferences > Repositories. c. Click Add Repository. d. Browse to or enter the file path to the repository.config file. The repository.config file is located in the directory where you extracted the compressed files. For example, enter \temp\repository.config. Click OK. 4. On the main page of the Installation Manager, click Update. 5. Restart IBM Business Monitor.