**************************************************************************** WebSphere Lombardi Edition HotFix IT06812 Install Guide (Windows) **************************************************************************** Preconditions: * The contents of the hotfix ZIP package have been extracted to a temporary hotfix installation folder, e.g. C:\Temp\WLE-\ * This tool requires WLE It cannot be used for any other version of WLE. * This tool runs on Windows. * This tool machine must have Java 1.6 installed. * All Authoring Environments in the environment are stopped. Installation: ____________ Process Center -------------- Please note, below steps will update the process center installation and it's embedded Authoring Environments 1. Stop the Process Center and Performance Data Warehouse: a. From a command prompt, navigate to the \bin folder. b. Run stopLombardi.cmd 2. From the hotfix installation folder, execute the following commands: a. Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to the location of the JDK used within WebSphere: For example: JAVA_HOME=\AppServer\java b. install_hotfix.cmd , where means the WLE installation folder. For example: install_hotfix.cmd C:\IBM\Lombardi7 Note: After installation is complete, you can find out the backup files under \wlebackup\beforeIT06812 3. Start both the Process Center and Performance Data Warehouse: a. From a command prompt, navigate to the \bin folder. b. Run startLombardi.cmd. Process Server -------------- 1. Stop the Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse: a. From a command prompt, navigate to the \bin folder. b. Run stopLombardi.cmd 2. From the hotfix installation folder, execute the following commands: a. Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to the location of the JDK used within WebSphere: For example: JAVA_HOME=\AppServer\java, where means the WLE installation folder. b. install_hotfix.cmd For example: install_hotfix.cmd C:\IBM\Lombardi7 Note: After installation is complete, you can find out the backup files under \wlebackup\beforeIT06812 3. Start both the Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse: a. From a command prompt, navigate to the \bin folder. b. Run startLombardi.cmd. Process Server Cluster Environment ---------------------------------- You must repeat step 2 for each server in cluster environment. 1. Stop all the Nodes, Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse of your entire cluster environment 2. From the hotfix installation folder, execute the following commands: a. Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to the location of the JDK used within WebSphere: For example: JAVA_HOME=\AppServer\java, where means the installation folder of process server in the node. b. install_hotfix.cmd For example: install_hotfix.cmd C:\IBM\Lombardi7 Note: After installation is complete, you can find out the backup files under \wlebackup\beforeIT06812 3. Start the Deployment Manager by running 'startManager' command. For example: C:\IBM\Lombardi7\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\bin>startManager.bat For more info about starting Deployment Manager, refer to: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v7r0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/info/ae/ae/rxml_startmanager.html 4. After the Deployment Manager starts, synchronize each node, one at a time by using syncNode command. Note: If you have modified the default Deployment Manager SOAP port, you must specify it in the previous commands immediately after the host name for the primary node. For more info about synchronizing nodes, refer to: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v7r0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere.nd.iseries.doc/info/iseriesnd/ae/rxml_syncnode.html 5. Start all the Nodes, Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse of your entire cluster environment Authoring Environments ---------------------- For the embedded Authoring Environment in Process Center installation the hotfix is applied when you install it on the Process Center. You need to run the following steps for all the standalone Authoring Environments. 1. Stop your running Authoring Environment 2. From the hot fix directory, execute the following commands: a. install_hotfix.cmd Note: after completed the installation, you can find out the backup files under \wlebackup\beforeIT06812 means the the folder where the "Lombardi Authoring Environment" is located. 3. Start your running Authoring Environment Uninstallation: ______________ Process Center -------------- 1. Stop the Process Center and Performance Data Warehouse: a. From a command prompt, navigate to the \bin folder. b. Run stopLombardi.cmd 2. From the hotfix installation folder, execute the following commands: a. Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to the location of the JDK used within WebSphere: For example: JAVA_HOME=\AppServer\java b. install_hotfix.cmd uninstall For example: install_hotfix.cmd C:\IBM\Lombardi7 uninstall Process Server -------------- 1. Stop the Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse: a. From a command prompt, navigate to the \bin folder. b. Run stopLombardi.cmd 2. From the hotfix installation folder, execute the following commands: a. Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to the location of the JDK used within WebSphere: For example: JAVA_HOME=\AppServer\java b. install_hotfix.cmd uninstall For example: install_hotfix.cmd C:\IBM\Lombardi7 uninstall Process Server Cluster Environment ---------------------------------- 1. Stop all the Nodes, Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse of your entire cluster environment 2. From the hotfix installation folder, execute the following commands: a. Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to the location of the JDK used within WebSphere: For example: JAVA_HOME=\AppServer\java b. install_hotfix.cmd uninstall Reinstallation: ______________ First complete the uninstallation successfully, then go to install section above to reinstall the hotfix. Additional Steps: ________________ Incase you have changed the tw_admin or tw_user password by following the "WebSphere Lombardi Edition installation and configuration guide" or technote http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21448216, after the hotfix is installed due to the re-deployment of teamworks and tracking application the password will revert to the default password. To reset to your changed password, please follow the instructions in Step 4 outlined in the technote and also review the following files listed below to ensure that the password is updated. /AppServer/profiles/Lombardi/installedApps/cell_name/tracking.ear/META-INF/ibm-application-bnd.xmi /AppServer/profiles/Lombardi/config/cells/cell_name/applications/tracking.ear/deployments/tracking/META-INF/ibm-application-bnd.xmi /AppServer/profiles/Lombardi/installedApps/cell_name/teamworks.ear/META-INF/ibm-application-bnd.xmi Incase the passwords are not updated please follow the Additional Steps outlined in the tech note. ********************************************************************************** If you have questions about or need assistance with this fix please contact IBM Support via the Service Request tool - http://www-947.ibm.com/support/entry/portal/Open_service_request/- or by calling the appropriate software support number for your country - http://www.ibm.com/planetwide/. ********************************************************************************** Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 Copyright 2015, Lombardi Software, an IBM Company. All rights reserved.