JR52442 IBM Business Monitor interim fix dependency information and installation instructions: 1. Interim fix dependencies =========================== Prerequisite APARs: None Superseded APARs: JR49507 2. Interim fix installation order (Installation Manager) ======================================================== JR52442 3. Interim Fix installation instructions ======================================== a. Stop the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. b. Install JR52442 using steps that are documented in http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21417656 . Note that the interim fix must be installed for every Business Monitor installation that supports a network deployment environment. c. Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. 4. Post Installation Manager application instructions: Updating an existing monitor model ========================================================================================= Existing monitor models in the environment must be updated so that changes are included at monitor model runtime. An "MM_App_Updater" tool is used to update existing monitor model applications. This tool is located in /scripts.wbm/MM_App_Updater directory. Before you begin, back up your monitor model applications using the export function from the Enterprise Applications page in the administrative console. To display the administrative console page, click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications. To apply fixes to the library code for your monitor model applications, use the following steps to update the response file (MM_App_Updater_Config_80.properties) and then run the updateMMApplicationLibraries_80 script on your deployment manager or stand-alone server. After you update the properties file, the script updates the library code for all monitor model applications that are compatible with the update that you are applying and it matches the restrictions declared in the response file. To update the configuration properties file, make a backup copy of the MM_App_Updater_config_80.properties file located in the /scripts.wbm/MM_App_Updater directory, and complete the following steps on the deployment manager or stand-alone server: a. Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. b. Make sure that the monitor model or monitor models to be updated are stopped. c. In a text editor, open the MM_App_Updater_config_80.properties file located in the /scripts.wbm/MM_App_Updater directory. The response file documents all the options with comments in the file. d. Check the response file options and update them if necessary because they vary for individual installations: hostname - set to localhost because you should always run this script from the deployment manager or stand-alone server. port - enter the port to use to transport information. For SOAP, use the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS port for the stand-alone server or deployment manager. For RMI, use the BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS port for the stand-alone server or deployment manager. The default is the default SOAP port, 8880. (The default RMI port is 2809.) username - remove the pound sign (#) before the username property, and then enter the user name to use for authentication. Note that any trailing spaces will be interpreted as being part of the user name, so ensure that the right number of trailing spaces is included. If you do not have security enabled, leave this field blank. password - remove the pound sign (#) before the password property, and then enter the password to use for authentication. Note that any trailing spaces will be interpreted as being part of the password, so ensure that the right number of trailing spaces is included. If you do not have security enabled, leave this field blank. e. To check your response file before running it, set the validateResponseFileOnly property. This test is always done as part of the script's execution, but setting this flag forces the script to check the response file without performing any updates. f. To test the compatibility of your applications with the update, set the testMMAppCompatibilityOnly property. This test is always done as part of the script's execution to ensure that no incompatible monitor model application is updated. However, setting this flag forces the script to check the compatibility of the monitor model applications without performing any updates. g. To turn on tracing, which is usually not necessary, edit the logging.properties file and uncomment this line: com.ibm.wbimonitor.server.updater.level = FINEST. h. Stop all the monitor models currently installed. i. Back up each installed monitor model application by exporting it to an EAR file. Use this link for instructions: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r0/topic/com.ibm.websphere.express.doc/info/exp/ae/trun_app_distr.html j. Run the appropriate command to install the updated library code: updateMMApplicationLibraries_80.bat (Windows) updateMMApplicationLibraries_80.sh (UNIX) Note: If you are installing on a network deployment environment, wait until the nodes have finished synchronizing before starting the monitor model applications. You can view the synchronization status from the administrative console by clicking System Administration > Nodes. k. Start the monitor model applications. 5. Post Installation Manager application instructions: Generating runtime code for a new monitor model ====================================================================================================== If a new monitor model is being created, use the "mmdeploy" command to generate runtime code for the monitor model. The "Headless deployment of a monitor model" documentation section provides instructions for using this command (see http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v8r0m1/topic/com.ibm.wbpm.mon.ref.doc/ref/headless_mm_deploy.html). 6. Uninstall instructions ========================= a. Stop the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. b. Using IBM Installation Manager, uninstall JR52442. c. Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. d. Run the MM_App_Updater tool (as described in Section 4) to remove changes from monitor model applications. One difference when uninstalling the fix is that a new parameter should be added to the file to ensure that the MM_App_Updater will revert to the previous version of the library code. forceUpdateToBackLevel = true