WebSphere Business Events (WBE) V7.0.1.1 RS2306 iFix installation instruction This iFix fixes Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM® SDK, Java™ Technology Edition. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21977225 Installing this iFix for the JRE that WBE tools and Connectors use ================== For each WBE installation, follow the installation instruction below. 1) Stop WBE tools (including Web-based) and Connectors if the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to /jre 2) Back up /jre. 3) Determine the right version of com.ibm.java...jre_6.0.1620.20160203.zip for your platform and unzip its content into the /jre directory so that the /jre/jre directory is replaced. 4) Restart the WBE tools and Connectors you stopped. Removing this iFix ================== If you need to remove the iFix, restore the content of your original /jre using the same procedure described above. * N.B. This Interim Fix supersedes