JR55845 IBM Business Monitor interim fix dependency information and installation instructions: 1. Interim fix notes ==================== For superseded APAR JR55405, note that the status icon for the highest range is displayed if the KPI value is equal to or greater than the upper limit of the highest range definition. The behavior of the hover text for the status icon is similar. If the value of the KPI is above the upper limit, then the hover text of the status icon displays the range values for the highest range. If there is a concern about often having values that are larger than the highest range, then we would suggest creating more KPI ranges to account for almost all possible KPI values. 2. Interim fix dependencies =========================== Prerequisite APARs: None Superseded APAR: JR55405 JR55504 3. Interim fix installation order (Installation Manager) ======================================================== JR55845 4. Interim Fix installation instructions ======================================== a. Stop the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. b. Install JR55845 using steps that are documented in http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21417656 . Note that the interim fix must be installed for every Business Monitor installation that supports a network deployment environment. c. Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. 5. Post Installation Manager install instructions ================================================= The following steps update IBM Business Monitor widgets. a. Make sure that the stand-alone server or network deployment environment has been started. b. Open a command window for your profile. For a stand-alone server environment, go to the /bin directory. For a network deployment environment, go to the /bin directory. c. At the command prompt, type the wsadmin command to start the wsadmin environment. d. Run the updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command relative to the Widgets_WBMonitor.zip file. Note that if the path contains a space, then the Widgets_WBMonitor.zip file may need to be copied from the /BusinessSpace/registryData/WBM/widgets directory to a path without spaces before running the updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command. For a stand-alone environment, use the following command: $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-serverName -nodeName -widgets /BusinessSpace/registryData/WBM/widgets/Widgets_WBMonitor.zip} For a network deployment environment, use the following command: $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-clusterName -widgets /BusinessSpace/registryData/WBM/widgets/Widgets_WBMonitor.zip} where is the name of the cluster where Business Space is deployed. Note that space files are not included in the Widgets_WBMonitor.zip file, so a CWM001134E messsage when running the command does not indicate that there is a problem. e. Run the following command to save changes. $AdminConfig save f. After widgets have been updated, Business Space users should clear their browser cache and login to Business Space again so that updates are reflected. 6. Uninstall instructions ========================= a. Stop the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. b. Using IBM Installation Manager, uninstall JR55845. c. Start the stand-alone server or network deployment environment. d. Open a command window for your profile. For a stand-alone server environment, go to the /bin directory. For a network deployment environment, go to the /bin directory. e. At the command prompt, type the wsadmin command to start the wsadmin environment. f. Run the updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command relative to the Widgets_WBMonitor.zip file. Note that if the path contains a space, then the Widgets_WBMonitor.zip file may need to be copied from the /BusinessSpace/registryData/WBM/widgets directory to a path without spaces before running the updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command. For a stand-alone environment, use the following command: $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-serverName -nodeName -widgets /BusinessSpace/registryData/WBM/widgets/Widgets_WBMonitor.zip} For a network deployment environment, use the following command: $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-clusterName -widgets /BusinessSpace/registryData/WBM/widgets/Widgets_WBMonitor.zip} where is the name of the cluster where Business Space is deployed. g. Run the following command to save changes. $AdminConfig save h. After widgets have been updated, Business Space users should clear their browser cache and login to Business Space again so that updates are reflected.