Fix (APAR): PI70608 Status: Fix Release:, Operating System: Windows Supersedes Fixes: CMVC Defect: xxxxxx Byte size of APAR: 734545 Date: 2016-11-15 Abstract: Standalone or embedded WCT tool's eclipse.exe has an old signed certificate Description/symptom of problem: PI70608 resolves the following problem: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Switched to a new certificate used to sign the Standalone and Embedded WCT tool's eclipse.exe LOCAL FIX: PROBLEM SUMMARY USERS AFFECTED: Users running the embeddd WCT tool (known commonly as PMT) on a WebSphere Application Server and the standalone WCT tool on a WebSphere Customization Toolobx installation on Microsoft Windows operating systems for version and PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Switched to a new certificate used to sign the Standalone and Embedded WCT tool's eclipse.exe RECOMMENDATION: None Switched to a new certificate used to sign the Standalone and Embedded WCT tool's eclipse.exe PROBLEM CONCLUSION: This APAR provides a newly signed eclipse.exe for the embedded WCT tool (known commonly as PMT) in WebSphere Application Server installation and the standalone WCT tool in the WebSphere Customization Toolbox installation. The fix for this APAR is currently targeted for inclusion in fix pack Please refer to the Recommended Updates page for delivery information: Directions to apply fix: Install Fix to all WebSphere installations unless special instructions are included below. Special Instructions: There are three I-Fixes: 1) This is for WebSphere Application Server BASE and ND for embedded WebSphere Configuration Tool (WCT) eclipse.exe 2) This is for WebSphere Application Server DMZ for embedded WebSphere Configuration Tool (WCT) eclipse.exe 3) This is for WebSphere Customization Toolbox for the stand-alone WebSphere Configuration Tool (WCT) eclipse.exe NOTE: The user must: * Logged in with the same authority level when unpacking a fix, fix pack or refresh pack. * Be at V1.8.5 or newer of the Installation Manager. Certain iFixes may require a newer version of the Installation Manager and the Installation Manager will inform you during the installation process if a newer version is required. The IBM Information Center can provide details, if needed, on the use of the Installation Manager to apply the iFixes. Shutdown WebSphere Application Server before applying the iFixes. Restart WebSphere Application Server after applying the iFixes. Directions to remove fix: The IBM Information Center can provide details, if needed, on the use of the Installation Manager to remove the iFixes. Shutdown WebSphere Application Server before removing the iFixes. Restart WebSphere Application Server after removing the iFixes. Directions to re-apply fix: 1) Shutdown WebSphere Application Server. 2) Follow the Fix instructions to apply the fix. 3) Restart WebSphere Application Server. Additional Information: