Abstract This package addresses application of the January 2017 JDK iFixes using WebSphere Patterns About Interim Fix This emergency fix (eFix) addresses Multiple APARs This emergency fix can be applied to IBM WebSphere Application Server Patterns Steps for applying eFix This eFix will install the WebSphere iFixes on a deployed virtual machine. The iFixes that will be applied must be uploaded to the IBM Installation Manager repository before installing this eFix. The following is the complete list of iFixes, but you need only install into your repository the architecture and bitness of your deployed systems: JDK January 2017 Updates: JDK 6.0: JDK 7.0 JDK 7.1: JDK 6.0 Liberty: JDK 8.0: Please see the information at these links for download information: JDK 6 85 WebSphere http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24043321 JDK 7.0 85 WebSphere + Liberty http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24043320 JDK 7.1 85 WebSphere + Liberty http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24043319 JDK 6.0 85 Liberty http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24043322 JDK 8.0 90 WebSphere +Liberty https://www-945.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/swg/selectFixes?parent=ibm~WebSphere&product=ibm/IBM+SDKs+for+Java+Technology/Java+Standard+Edition+(Java+SE)&release=,+pSeries&function=all - On your Pure system, select Catalog->IBM Installation Manager Repository - Select Add New->Add New Category. Enter a category name (for example JDKJAN17) and select Add - Select Add New->Add New Software Package. Select a file (listed above), select the category you just created, and click Add - Repeat for each of the zip files Once that step is complete, you need to upload the Patterns eFix to Pure as an Emergency Fix. 1) Download the IBM WebSphere Application Server Patterns eFix. Make sure that the zip filename is 1) Log in Pure administration console with administrator account. 2) Select "Emergency Fixes" under "Catalog" on the toolbar. 3) Click "plus sign" to add a new Emergency Fix. 4) On the pop-up window, fill in a name (for example JDK-JAN17) into "Emergency fix name" field and optionally add a description. 5) Click "OK" button to create it. 6) Select the Emergency fix you just created. On the right panel, click "Browse...", in the pop-up window, select the eFix .zip file you downloaded and click "open" button. Then click "Upload" button to upload the iFix zip onto Pure catalog. After the iFix is uploaded successfully onto the catalog, you can follow the steps below to apply the iFix on your target virtual system. 1) Log into the Pure administration console. 2) Select your virtual system and click "Manage" icon. 3) In the Instance Console, click on "Operations" 4) Under "Operations" select "MAINTENANCE" 5) Expand "Maintenance fixes". Select the "Apply more" pulldown and select the iFix you just created (for example JDK-JAN17) 6) Click "Submit" Once Operation Execution is complete, all JDK-JAN17 iFixes applicable to this system should be properly installed.